Scott Pembroke

    September 13, 1889
    February 21, 1951
    San Francisco, California, USA
    Screen Presence

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Her Dangerous Path Dr. Harrison 1923
The Adventures of Robinson Crusoe 1922
The Adventures of Tarzan Clayton 1921
Sue of the South Donald Peyton 1919
The Law That Divides Jack Baggot 1918
A Country Hero 1917
The Girl Who Won Out Chester Noble (as P.L. Pembroke) 1917
The Sidetracked Sleeper 1917
The Mogul Mountain Mystery Bert Morgan 1917
A Race with Death The Night Operator 1916
The Vanishing Box Car Dick Benton - Lineman 1916
The Midnight Express The Express Messenger 1916
The Lineman's Peril Dick Benton - Lineman 1916
The Trial Run Arthur Lane 1916
The Forgotten Train Order Dick Benton 1916
The Runaway Sleeper The Lineman 1916
The Lone Point Mystery Dick Benton 1916
The Gate of Death Paymaster Benton 1916
The Lost Messenger Dick Benton - the Express Messenger 1916
A Daring Chance Dick Benton 1916
To Save the Special Dick Benton 1916
The Blocked Track Superintendent Melvin 1916
The Death Swing Dick Benton 1916
Defying Death Dick Benton 1916
The Hoodoo of Division B Dick Benton - the Young Engineer 1916
Ablaze on the Rails The Construction Superintendent 1916
The Secret of the Box Car Gentleman Joe 1916
At Danger's Call Bob - the Foreman 1916
With the Aid of the Wrecker Gentleman Joe 1916
Hurled Through the Drawbridge Gordon 1916
A Mystery of the Rails Tom Ransom 1916
A Plunge from the Sky Dick Benton 1916
The Broken Brake Johnson's Assistant 1916
To Save the Road The Road Superintendent 1916
The Engineer's Honor Blake's Son 1916
The Mysterious Cipher Chilton's Partner 1916
In Death's Pathway Dick Benton 1916
A Race Through the Air 1916
The Treasure Train Jim Spencer 1916
The Spiked Switch Hume - the Fireman 1916
The Capture of Red Stanley Detective Pearson 1916
One Chance in a Hundred Billy Warren 1916
The Bridge of Danger Bob Bates 1916
The Human Telegram Superintendent Purdy 1916
The Trail of Danger 1st Conspirator 1916
The Governor's Special Tom Arnold (as P.S.Pembroke) 1916
The Race for a Siding The Detective's Assistant 1916
The Record Run Leader of the Road Agents 1916
The Trapping of 'Peeler' White Dick Benton 1916
The Girl Who Dared The Wireless Operator 1916
A Race for a Life The Son of the President of the Railroad 1916
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