Yuriy Chernov

    April 24, 1949
Kuybyshev, Kuybyshevskaya oblast, RSFSR, USSR
Screen Presence

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Crimea 2017
Заказ на одного 2012
Грозное время Morozov 2010
First Love Nikolay 2009
Phenomenon 2005
I Planned to Escape 2004
Russian Detective Gusev 2004
Pharaoh's Secret 2004
Bringing Upside Down the Life 2003
Prosecutor's Jubilee 2003
Love-Service 2003
Nephew, or Russian Business 2 2002
The Smile of Melometa 2002
True Stories 2000
Mu-Mu 1998
What a Mess! Suitcase carrier 1995
Three Hundred Years After Bananov 1994
Wagon Valodya 1993
Thunder Over Rus' 1992
Tyoma's Childhood 1991
По Таганке ходят танки plainclothes policeman 1991
Brunette for 30 Cents 1991
Day of Love German 1990
From the Life of Fyodor Kuzkin 1989
The Secret of the Golden Breguet Petrukha 1988
One, two - woe, never mind придворный дирижёр 1988
Where is Your Son? 1987
Непохожая Lida's father 1985
Dancing on the Roof 1985
О возвращении забыть 1985
Attention, All Posts! Kolya Luchkin 1985
В. Давыдов и Голиаф шофер грузовика 1985
From the Life of a Chief of the Criminal Police Gangster Koryto 1983
Опасные пустяки 1983
One Hundred and First 1982
Along Unknown Paths Spy 1982
Великий самоед 1982
My Anfisa 1981
Andrey and Evil Wizard Водяной 1981
Citizen Lyoshka 1981
The Wedding Day Has to Be Specified Толя Казутин 1980
Gypsy 1980
The Adventures of the Electronic Syroyezhkin's father 1980
The Amazing Adventures of Denis Korablyov 1979
Troublemaker male nurse Zubkov 1979
In the Zone of Special Attention 1977
Приключения Нуки 1977
Townspeople 1976
Storm on the Land 1976
Закрытие сезона 1975
Ivan Vasilyevich Changes His Profession музыкант, играющий на балалайке 1973
The Village Detective Stepan 1969
We'll Live Till Monday Syromyatnikov 1968
No Password Necessary 1967
The Adventures of the Electronic Отец Сыроежкина <mt>
Floor Zaytsev - klient turagenstva <mt>
Цыган Николай - шофёр <mt>
I Planned to Escape <blank> <mt>
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