
    February 8, 1929
    November 28, 2017
    Cairo, Egypt
    Screen Presence

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Fatma Ahmed Kamal Shaker, better known by her stage name Shadia. was an Egyptian actress and singer. She was famous for her roles in light comedies and drama in the 1950s and 1960s. She was the third wife of Salah Zulfikar. Shadia was one of the iconic actresses and singers in Egypt and the Middle East region and a symbol of the golden age of Egyptian cinema and is known for her many patriotic songs. Her movies and songs are popular in Egypt and the Arab World. Critics consider her the most successful comprehensive Egyptian and Arabic artist of all time. Her first appearance in a film was in "Azhar wa Ashwak" (Flowers and Thorns), and her last film was "La Tas'alni Man Ana" (Don't Ask Me Who I Am).[1] She is also known for her patriotic song "Ya Habibti Ya Masr" (Oh Egypt, My Love) and her breakthrough leading role in the Egyptian movie "Al Maraa Al Maghoula" (The Unknown Woman).[2] Six of her movies are listed in the top 100 Egyptian movies of the 20th century. In April 2015, she became the first actress to be awarded an honorary doctorate by the Egyptian Academy of Arts. She was given the nickname "Idol of the Masses" following her successful movie "Maaboudat El Gamaheer" (Idol of the Masses).[citation needed] Other notable nicknames include "The Guitar of the Arabic Singing" and "The Golden Guitar".

Don't Ask Me Who I Am Aisha 1984
Raya and Sakina Raya 1982
Al-Shakk ya Habibi Rabab 1979
Valley of Memories Soad 1978
أمواج بلا شاطئ Monira / Mimi 1976
Amwag Bela Shate2 1976
The Fugitive 1974
امرأة عاشقة 1974
ذات الوجهين 1973
أضواء المدينة Souad Shalaby 1972
Raghabat Mamnou'aa 1972
We Do Not Sow The Thistle Mrs. Jaber/Nargis 1970
Miramar Zuhra 1969
Marriage for Half an Hour Fatma (The Nurse) 1969
Bit of Fear Fouada 1969
Womens' Tailor 1969
My Wife's Ghost Aida 1968
My Wife's Dignity Nadia 1967
Maa'boudat Al-Gamahir Sohair 1967
My Wife the General Manager Esmat Fahmy 1966
Dearer Than My Life Mona 1965
The Road Karima 1964
Alf Leila We Leila Hayat bint Hassan 1964
Utmost Joy 1963
Alley of The Pestle Hameeda 1963
Cairo at Night 1963
The Miracle Nafeesa 1962
The Thief and the Dogs Nour 1962
A Woman in a Spiral 1962
Wife Number 13 Aida Saber Abdel Sabour 1962
The Storm over Arabia 1961
The Student نعمت عبد العال 1961
لا تذكريني 1961
Agony of Love 1960
معا إلى الأبد 1960
El Murra El Maghoula Fatma 1959
Esh El-Gharam Layla 1959
Have Mercy Nawal 1959
The Fugitive Zeinab 1958
قلوب العذارى 1958
Ghaltet Habibi 1958
Hob Min Narr 1958
You Are My Love 1957
Lawahez 1957
Farewell, Love Lieutenant Houria 1956
Dalila Delilah / Inayat Hanem 1956
Wakeful Eyes Fatima 1956
Farewell at dawn 1956
The Leech Salwa 1956
The Shore of Memories Fatima 1955
Melody of Devotion Seham 1955
Women Can’t Lie Laila 1954
El-Zolm Haraam Huda 1954
Laila Min Omri 1954
الحقوني بالمأذون 1954
Girl next door 1954
Banat Hawaa Hikmat 1954
The Adventures of Ismail Yassine Mesteka 1954
Ana El-Hobu Huriya 1954
Akwa Min El Hub 1954
The Bread Seller Neamat 1953
Lisanuk Hisanak Hamida 1953
كلمة الحق 1953
Esh Hado Ya Nas Fatima 1953
Ana Wi Habibi Shadia 1953
Appointment with Life Fatima 1953
حظك هذا الاسبوع 1953
بين قلبين عواطف 1953
Down with Colonialism! 1952
Ghaltet Ab Suaad 1952
Zalamt Rohy 1952
Hayati Inta Ilham 1952
Qadam Al Kheir Mabrouka 1952
Amal Amal Hussein Abdul Rahman 1952
Qalil Al-Bakht Belbala / Huda 1952
Good News Sanaa 1952
Love Has No Cure Samra 1952
Ghadab El Waledain 1952
Beit el nattash Melbasa 1952
الأم القاتلة ليلى 1952
Qattr El-Nada Qattr El-Nada 1951
Al Sabr Gameel Doria 1951
Al Donya Helwa 1951
أشكى لمين 1951
Assifa alal rabi 1951
My Mother in Law is an Atomic Bomb Halawa 1951
My Children 1951
Fil Hawa Sawa Lawahez 1951
في الهوا سوا لواحظ 1951
Samaeat Al-Telefone 1951
El Sab'a Afandi 1951
mashghul bghyriun Fathia 1951
Lailet El Henna Horiya 1951
Ayyam Chababi 1950
البطل شربات 1950
Maalesh Ya Zahar نجفة 1950
The 7th Wife 1950
Saa La Qalbak 1950
Eid Night 1949
Owner of Few Piasters 1949
Nadia 1949
Heaven's Justice سلوى محمود 1948
The Mind is on a Vacation 1947
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