Anita Hendrie

    November 9, 1863
    April 15, 1940
    Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
    Screen Presence

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Over the Hills 1911
The Scarlet Letter 1911
Pictureland Rosita's Mother 1911
At the Duke's Command Irma 1911
The Peachbasket Hat The Maid 1909
The Son's Return The Mother 1909
The Lonely Villa 1909
The Cricket on the Hearth Mrs. Fielding 1909
Eloping with Auntie Auntie 1909
Two Memories Party Guest 1909
Resurrection Servant / Noblewoman 1909
The Note in the Shoe The Mother 1909
Lucky Jim 1909
Drive for a Life Mignon's Mother 1909
Confidence In Hospital 1909
A Rude Hostess Visitor 1909
Schneider’s Anti-Noise Crusade Lena 1909
The Road to the Heart Vinuella - Miguel's Wife 1909
Trying to Get Arrested The Assaulted Woman 1909
A Drunkard's Reformation Woman in the Play / Woman in the Audience 1909
Jones and His New Neighbors Neighbour 1909
And a Little Child Shall Lead Them The Maid 1909
The Voice of the Violin Maid 1909
I Did It The Mother 1909
The Lure of the Gown Veronica's Partner 1909
The Roue’s Heart Noblewoman 1909
His Wife's Mother Mrs. Jones Mother 1909
At the Altar Mother 1909
The Golden Louis The Mother 1909
The Politician's Love Story Woman - Fourth Couple 1909
The Joneses Have Amateur Theatricals Theatre Woman 1909
Edgar Allan Poe 1909
The Cord of Life In Tenement 1909
Those Awful Hats Theatre Audience 1909
The Welcome Burglar In Office 1909
The Fascinating Mrs. Francis Young Man's Mother 1909
Mr. Jones Has a Card Party Guest 1909
Those Boys! The Mother 1909
The Criminal Hypnotist Party Guest 1909
Love Finds a Way The Duchess 1909
The Honor of Thieves At Dance 1909
The Maniac Cook Margie, the Cook 1909
The Helping Hand Jessie Marshall 1908
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