Ivan Rajniak

    July 10, 1931
    February 23, 1999
    Hybe, Czechoslovakia [now Slovakia]
    Screen Presence

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Ivan Rajniak was born on July 10, 1931 in the picturesque Liptov village of Hybe. Another important Slovak actor - Ondrej Jariabek - was born here for interest. Already at the age of 11, Rajniak appeared in the film LETO POD KRIVÁŇOM. The screenplay for this film was written by his native (Jariabek). Ivan Rajniak was terribly drawn to Bratislava, where he began studying at the Academy of Performing Arts. He graduated from this school in 1957. Košice became the first work of Ivan Rajniak. He was in the State Theater until 1966. It is interesting that he created the characters that are the basis of world theater (HAMLET, RÓMEO). In 1966 he joined the SND in Bratislava. He worked here for 33 years. Rajniak's theatrical work is full of characters that Ivan Rajniak played wonderfully, we need to remember Bezuchov (War and Peace), Belana (Sonata for the Peacock), Grand Khan Kublai (Millionaire Marko). Rajniak also liked to play in comedies as a Collection Center, and it is a great pity that there were less than serious comedies. In the 1960s and 1970s, Ivan Rajniak was one of the busiest Slovak actors in television and film. He portrayed the characters of tough guys (partisans, villagers). In television films, let us recall the character of godfather Trnka (Rysavá jalovica), where he excelled together with Jozef Króner. He also had a beautiful role in RED WINE (Oliver). He played many characters in the films, one of which entered the history of Slovak film. He is the character of "chatter, smuggler, poor man in bear skin" VALÉRA in films by director Martin Hollé (MEDENNA TOWER, ORLIE PIERKO). After 1989, he fell into oblivion and retreated to privacy. He loved the mountains infinitely and was an avid hunter. He left quietly in the presence of his wife on February 23, 1999 in Bratislava. He is buried in his native village and his natives unveiled a memorial plaque to him on the occasion of the 75th anniversary. Ivan Rajniak remained in our hearts as VALÉR - a real man.

Dúhová cesta 1991
Zuzanka Hraškovie Vojak 1991
Staroružová dráma 1989
Holič Britva a duch Vydriduch 1988
Posledná hodina 1987
Dulcinea z Tobosa 1987
Hriech 1986
O všetečnom zvedavcovi 1986
Zbohom, sladké driemoty 1984
Dedova truhlica 1984
Drahý strýčko 1984
Predčasné leto 1983
Predohra v mol 1983
Husiarka a kráľ Gazda 1983
Dozrievanie 1982
Trieda plná pýchy 1982
Hodiny 1981
Ostrov 1981
Zaujímaví muži 1981
Maškaráda 1981
Fatamorgána Jasper 1981
Svadba Arneho Jurgu Arne Jurga 1980
Dnes platí regulačný stupeň č. 6 1980
Jennie Gerhardtová 1980
Aký požičaj – taký vráť 1980
Falošný peniaz Jefimov 1980
Zimozel Krúpa 1980
Nebezpečné známosti Gercourt 1980
Pustý dvor 1979
Zlodej známok 1979
Sonatína pre páva 1979
Uzlíky nádeje 1979
Smrť chodí po horách 1979
Nie 1978
Krutá ľúbosť Paľo Badáň (voice) 1978
Zlatý dážď 1978
Zbojnícky tanec bača Stieranka 1978
Stôl pre štrnástich 1978
Vraj cholera! Báťa Martin Maliar 1978
Einsteinov úsmev 1978
Elektra 1978
Horúci dych 1978
Vysoká cena 1978
Vacations at Grandma's 1977
Poslední parlamentári 1977
Rose Tinted Dreams Dežo Daniel 1977
Skrat 1977
Obhajoba sa nekoná 1977
Rozdelení 1977
Andersonvillský proces 1976
Do posledného dychu 1976
Pacho, the Brigand of Hybe 1976
Šepkajúci fantóm 1976
Prvá nadovšetky 1976
Demižón 1976
Serenáda pre Martinu 1976
Blízki cudzí ľudia 1975
Ex libris 1975
Trasovisko 1974
Deň, ktorý neumrie 1974
Trofej neznámeho strelca 1974
V tieni šedivých lúk 1974
Drotárova svadba 1974
Piková dáma 1974
Jaríkovský kostol 1974
Šuster, drž sa kopyta! 1974
Putovanie do San Jaga 1973
Víťazný pád 1973
Srdce na lane 1973
Adam Chvojka vicerichtár 1973
Ďaleko je do neba 1973
Kamaráti 1973
Návšteva 1973
Timon Aténsky 1973
Žiarlivosť 1972
Zajtra bude neskoro 1972
Eagle Feather Starec 1972
Hájnikova žena 1971
Hľadači svetla 1971
Kráľ sa zabáva 1971
Rysavá jalovica Trnka 1971
Klinko a Kompit kráľ 1971
The Copper Tower Valier 1970
Ring voľný 1970
Strieborný Neptún 1970
Ako dvaja našli šťastie 1970
„Od štvrtka do zmŕtvychvstania...“ 1969
Niet inej cesty 1968
Rok na dedine Smrčina 1968
Three Daughters Demko 1968
Matka Jano 1968
Lúčka, na ktorej spáva vietor 1968
Malka 1968
The Pickpockets 1967
Tango pre medveďa 1967
Miraculous Virgin Raven (voice) 1967
Rázcestie 1967
Sedem svedkov 1967
Tri gaštanové kone 1966
Česť 1966
Zlaté jabĺčko 1966
The Bells Toll for the Barefooted Stašek 1965
Úplně vyřízený chlap 1965
Výhybka 1963
Pokorené rieky 1962
Most na tú stranu 1962
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