Eille Norwood

    October 11, 1861
    December 24, 1948
    York, England, UK
    Screen Presence

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Eille Norwood was an English stage actor, director, and playwright best known today for playing Sherlock Holmes in a series of silent films.

All Change 1923
The Sign of Four Sherlock Holmes 1923
The Engineer's Thumb Sherlock Holmes 1923
The Crooked Man Sherlock Holmes 1923
Silver Blaze Sherlock Holmes 1923
The Speckled Band Sherlock Holmes 1923
The Gloria Scott Sherlock Holmes 1923
The Blue Carbuncle Sherlock Holmes 1923
The Final Problem Sherlock Holmes 1923
The Disappearance of Lady Frances Carfax Sherlock Holmes 1923
The Missing Three Quarter Sherlock Holmes 1923
The Mystery of Thor Bridge Sherlock Holmes 1923
The Mystery of the Dancing Men Sherlock Holmes 1923
The Cardboard Box Sherlock Holmes 1923
The Three Students Sherlock Holmes 1923
The Stone of Mazarin Sherlock Holmes 1923
His Last Bow Sherlock Holmes 1923
The Six Napoleons Sherlock Holmes 1922
The Greek Interpreter Sherlock Holmes 1922
The Golden Pince-Nez Sherlock Holmes 1922
The Musgrave Ritual Sherlock Holmes 1922
The Boscombe Valley Mystery Sherlock Holmes 1922
The Stockbroker's Clerk Sherlock Holmes 1922
The Bruce Partington Plans Sherlock Holmes 1922
Black Peter Sherlock Holmes 1922
The Second Stain Sherlock Holmes 1922
The Red Circle Sherlock Holmes 1922
The Naval Treaty Sherlock Holmes 1922
The Reigate Squires Sherlock Holmes 1922
The Norwood Builder Sherlock Holmes 1922
The Abbey Grange Sherlock Holmes 1922
Charles Augustus Milverton Sherlock Holmes 1922
The Hound of the Baskervilles Sherlock Holmes 1921
The Devil's Foot Sherlock Holmes 1921
The Man with the Twisted Lip Sherlock Holmes 1921
The Dying Detective Sherlock Holmes 1921
The Copper Beeches Sherlock Holmes 1921
The Noble Bachelor Sherlock Holmes 1921
The Empty House Sherlock Holmes 1921
A Scandal in Bohemia Sherlock Holmes 1921
The Resident Patient Sherlock Holmes 1921
The Red-Headed League Sherlock Holmes 1921
The Yellow Face Sherlock Holmes 1921
A Case of Identity Sherlock Holmes 1921
The Tiger of San Pedro Sherlock Holmes 1921
The Priory School Sherlock Holmes 1921
The Solitary Cyclist Sherlock Holmes 1921
The Beryl Coronet Sherlock Holmes 1921
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes Sherlock Holmes 1921
Princess Clementina James Stuart 1911
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