Torro Margens

    July 5, 1950
    January 4, 2019
    Pemalang, Central Java
    Screen Presence

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Torro Margens (5 July 1950 – 4 January 2019) was an actor and director in the 1970s and 1980s, and was active in soap operas and FTV. Torro Margens is widely known by the public for his role as an antagonist.

Uka-Uka The Movie: Nini Tulang Ki Geblek 2019
Suara April Djohari 2019
Love for Sale Mr. Kartolo 2018
Ruqyah - The Exorcism Paranormal 2017
Night Bus Umar bin Taib 2017
Catatan Dodol Calon Dokter Pak Hamzah 2016
D.P.O: Detachment Police Operation Satam 2016
Simfoni Satu Tanda 2016
Get Up Stand Up 2016
Demona 2015
Hantu Diskotik Kota 2015
The Crescent Moon Arifin 2015
4 Tahun Tinggal di Rumah Hantu 2014
Taman Langsat Mayestik Suara Ki Langsat 2014
Drakula Cinta Mr. Anton 2014
Adriana Penjaga kuburan 2013
Perempuan² Liar Binsar 2011
Kalung Jelangkung Paranormal 2011
Pengantin Pantai Biru Solikum 2010
Bebek Belur Pak Toro 2010
The Virgin Corpse Pembicara di Video Horror 2008
The Wall Bapak Surya 2007
Rantai Bumi Hans 2006
The Nine Dragon 2006
Janus: Prajurit Terakhir Midas 2003
Kuldesak Jacob Gamarhada 1998
Surgaku Nerakaku Robert 1994
Si Kabayan Mencari Jodoh 1994
Tutur Tinular III (Pendekar Syair Berdarah) 1992
Blok M 1990
A Pair of Deadly Eyes Jayusman 1989
Bloody Love 1989
The Terrorists 1986
Pelayan Gedongan 1983
Sorga Dunia di Pintu Neraka Bambang 1983
Ken Arok - Ken Dedes 1983
Jungle Virgin Force 1982
Bercanda dalam Duka 1981
The Haunted House 1981
Aduh Aduh Mana Tahan 1980
Motherless Children 1980
Sirkuit Kemelut 1980
Kau dan Aku Sayang Toni 1979
Anna Maria 1979
Goyang Sampai Tua 1978
Akibat Godaan 1978
Sirkuit Cinta Margens 1978
The Blind Man from Ghost Cave: Duel at Bromo Crater Latongga 1977
The Blind Man from Ghost Cave: Lost Paradise 1977
Assoy 1977
Antara Surga Dan Neraka 1976
Poisonous Kiss Denny 1976
Malam Pengantin 1975
Neraka Perempuan Rizal (Dewasa) 1974
Gerhana Ronggo <mt>
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