Eleni Randou

    November 12, 1965
Aigaleo, Attika, Greece
Screen Presence

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Eleni Randou or Helen Rantou (Greek: Ελένη Ράντου) is a Greek actress. She was born in 1965 in Egaleo, an Athens suburb, and is a graduate of the National Theater of Greece. She initially participated in TV shows of the Greek national television in the '80s, and rose to stardom through TV series in which she co-starred and in many cases co-edited the script. She is married to Greek rock star Vasilis Papakonstantinou. Their daughter Nikoleta was born in 1995. She is currently head of the "Diana" theater. In 2009 she prepared a new comedy show in "Diana" theater that later continued as a TV comedy series Ergazomeni Gynaika. Her TV debut was in 1983, when she was 20 years old, through the TV show "Ouranio Toxo"(Rainbow) in which she had a starring role. In the same year she also appeared in the TV show "I Kiria Ntoremi" with the role of "Eleftheria". In 1984 she participated in the TV show "Paramithia piso apo ta kagkela" and in 1985 in the tV show "Xaire Taso Karataso. In 1987 she appeared in "Apodrasi" and the next year in the TV show "Stavrosi horis anastasi". She is also known for her work on Ohi ta nea tou, Ah Eleni, Konstantinou kai Elenis, Ti Psyhi Tha Paradoseis Mori?, Savatogennimenes, Ergazomeni Gynaika,

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