Ken Mizoguchi

    May 27, 1939
Hokkaido, Japan
Screen Presence

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Uno Koichiro no momosaguri Sakie's Father 1985
Iro zange Sadahachi 1983
Pleasure in the Mirror 1982
White Rose Campus Watanabe - Truck Driver 1982
Fallen Angel Gang 1981
Fallen Angel Gang Eiji Tatsumi 1981
Joshidaisei: The anaba Photographer 1981
Uno Koichiro no Shûdôin Fuzoku Joshi-ryô 1981
Sex Hunter 1980
White Uniform in Rope Hell Tsuda 1980
Showa Erotica: The Lady of the Rose Mizuno 1980
Eros Nights in Tokyo The Man A in Black clothes 1979
The Man Who Stole the Sun 1979
Angel Guts: Nami 1979
Ryōjoku: Komasu The Man B 1979
Angel Guts: Red Classroom Yakuza 1979
Rope Hell 青木 1978
Hateshinaki zecchô Higashida 1978
Pink Salon: 'We're Waiting for You with Tissue Paper' Gigolo A 1977
Fairy in a Cage Military policeman A 1977
The Red Petal Is Wet 1977
Ah! That Pep Squad 3 -Tears of a Man- 1977
Painful Bliss: Final Twist 1977
Tissue Paper By the Geisha's Pillow Yakuza A 1977
Zecchô no onna Kuramoto 1976
Inran'na kankei Saburô Yamaguchi 1976
True Story of a Woman in Jail: Hell of Love Prison guard Sugimoto 1976
100 High School Girls: Secret Motel Report 1975
True Story of a Woman in Jail: Continues The Punk 1975
Cruelty: Black Rose Torture Lieutenant Kazama 1975
New Apartment Wife: Prostitution in Building #13 Yakuza 1975
The Bride was Wet Bartender 1974
Man & Woman Sexology: Private Lessons 1974
Maruhi anaba joho: Hinba no toiki Gang Member 1973
The Naked Seven 1972
Foreigner's Mistress Oman: Tempestuous Skin Guest 1972
Wet Highway 1971
Wet Sand in August 1971
Women Smell of Night 1970
Step on the Gas! 1970
Blind Woman's Curse Shiro 1970
Records of Bloodshed 1970
Midnight Virgin 1970
Showdown in Gangland 1970
Outlaw: Kill! 1969
Outlaw: Black Dagger 1968
Outlaw: Goro the Assassin 1968
Retaliation 1968
Outlaw: Heartless 1968
Outlaw: Gangster VIP 2 1968
Branded to Kill 1967
Fighting Elegy 1966
Tokyo Drifter 1966
Story of a Prostitute 1965
The Call of Blood 1964
Blitz!! Strada 5 <blank> <mt>
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