Lillian Walker

    April 20, 1887
    October 10, 1975
    Brooklyn, New York, USA
    Screen Presence

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In the 1910's she became one of Vitagraph's top stars in silent films.

Pusher-in-the-Face 1929
The Woman God Changed Lilly 1921
A Woman of No Importance Hester Hasley 1921
A Marriage of Convenience 1918
The Princess of Park Row Undetermined Role 1917
The Blue Envelope Mystery Leslie Brennan 1916
A Keyboard Strategy Margaret Burton 1915
A Lily in Bohemia Lily 1915
Lifting the Ban of Coventry Mary Putnam 1915
Lillian's Dilemma Lillian 1914
Fanny's Melodrama Fanny 1914
The Feudists Young Lover, Helen Smith 1913
Those Troublesome Tresses Mrs. Miller 1913
Bunny's Dilemma Sallie - Aunt Eliza's Cousin 1913
A Lady and Her Maid Billy's Sweetheart 1913
Cutey and the Chorus Girls Dolly - the Dancer 1913
The Mouse and the Lion Mamie, Hanks' Sweetheart and Accomplice 1913
Stenographer Troubles A Typist 1913
The Classmate's Frolic Classmate 1913
The Volunteer Strike Breakers Harris's Fiancée's Chum 1913
It All Came Out in the Wash Gladys Cooper 1912
The Reincarnation of Karma Lillian White 1912
Lessons in Courtship Edna 1912
Romance of a Rickshaw Mabel Lewis 1912
An Elephant on Their Hands 1912
The Godmother Sixth Girl 1912
She Cried Factory Worker 1912
The Indian Mutiny Beatrice Wilson - Jack's Sister 1912
A Vitagraph Romance Lillian Walker 1912
Saving an Audience Berta Barton - an Amateur Actress 1912
The Lovesick Maidens of Cuddleton lovesick maiden 1912
At the Eleventh Hour Mrs. Daley 1912
The Miracle 1912
Wanted, a Sister A Ballerina 1912
The Money Kings Helen Montepier - the Daughter 1912
The Troublesome Step-Daughters A Step-Daughter 1912
The Cylinder's Secret Nell Lane 1912
An Eventful Elopement Dolly McGillicuddy - the Old Man's Daughter 1912
Fortunes of a Composer Woman in Tavern (uncredited) 1912
The Pink Pajama Girl 1912
Her Forgotten Dancing Shoes Belle Oakley - a Maid 1912
Mr. Bolter's Infatuation Nina Celeste - an Actress 1912
Irene's Infatuation Irene, One of Frangiapani's Fans 1912
Stenographer Wanted The Blonde Stenographer 1912
Alma's Champion Alma Randall 1912
Cherry Blossoms The Ambassador's Daughter - Dollie's Rival 1911
A Friendly Marriage Lillian Colton 1911
The Show Girl A Show Girl 1911
The Inherited Taint The Coquette 1911
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