Kajō Onoe

    August 31, 1898
    March 2, 1969
    Kobe, Hyogo Prefecture, Japan
    Screen Presence

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Akai shigoki: Nihon dokufu-den 1965
Five Ronins 1963
Knightly Advice 1962
Travels of Hibari and Chiemi 1962
Restoration Fire 1961
An Eagle Eyed Lord 1961
Magistrate of Dice 1961
Morning Breeze in Edo 1960
Heavenly Dragon Tattooist 1960
The Master Spearman 1960
照る日くもる日 1960
Official with a Tattoo 1960
Road of Chivalry 1960
An Actor's Revenge 1959
A Spectacular Showdown 1959
The Edo Official and Apprentice 1959
Magistrate Toyama 3: The Whirlwind Magistrate 1959
直八子供旅 1958
The Scarlet Cherry Lord 1958
A Chivalrous Spirit 1958
Sasaki Kojiro, Part 2 1957
Sasaki Kojiro 1957
Lord Mito 1957
Temple of Revenge 1957
The Fighting on The Trial 1957
Ninja's Weapon 1956
Young Ruddy Warrior: Nobunaga Oda 1955
牢獄の花嫁 1955
Golden Valley 1955
Bloody Spear at Mount Fuji 1955
Mr. Shosuke Ohara 1949
The Life of Matsu the Untamed Kumayoshi 1943
Vengeance at Iga 1942
Date Masamune the One-Eyed Dragon 1942
Miyamoto musashi Ichijōji kettō 1942
Last Days of Edo Katsutei, Shinzaburo's servant 1941
Festival Across the Sea 1941
Phantom Castle 1940
Singing Lovebirds Roku-be of Dogu-ya (antique dealer) 1939
Yaji And Kita's Traveling Diary Senta 1938
Taiko's Rising in the World 1938
Kurama Tengu 1938
Jiraiya 1937
Blood Spilled at Takadanobaba 1937
Capricious Young Man 1935
Gantaro Path 1934
The Elegant Swordsman 1934
Martial Arts Encyclopedia 1934
Professional Killer 1932
Suronin Chuya 1930
The Kasahara School 1929
Yaji and Kita: The Battle of Toba Fushimi 1928
Blood’s Up in Takadanobaba 1928
Yaji and Kita: Yasuda's Rescue Tsunesuke Maehara 1927
Chuji's Travel Diary: The Chuji Patrol Episode 1927
Mito Kōmon 1926
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