Vija Artmane

    August 21, 1929
    October 11, 2008
    Kayve, Sema volost, Tukums uezd, Russian Empire
    Screen Presence

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Vija Artmane was a prominent Latvian film actress.

Kyiv Frescoes 2023
Actress and Her Time. Vija Artmane Self (archival footage) 2019
Nazis and Blondes Self 2008
The Golden Age 2003
Anna 1996
Love 1991
For Crazies Only 1991
Katafalk 1990
Moonsund Frau Milch 1987
A Man of a Retinue Aglaya Andreevna 1987
The Secret of the Snow Queen Mrs. Autumn 1986
The Last Indulgence 1985
Naughty Emil Nabagmajas komendante 1985
Strange Passions 1983
Izmeklēšanā noskaidrots Ruta Graudiņa 1982
Следствием установлено Ruta Yanovna Graudina 1981
State Border: Vol. 1. We are Ours, We are New... 1980
Cīrulīši Gundega 1980
Conversation with a Queen Self 1980
Pugachev 1979
Mainai Jadvyga 1979
Your Son Vitrupe 1978
Theatre Dzhuliya Lambert (Julia Lambert) 1978
The Exchange Ядвига Жилювене 1977
Master 1976
The Arrows of Robin Hood Cat 1975
Gift for a Single Woman Kņopiene/Gita 1973
Egle rudzu laukā Dagmāra 1972
I, the investigator 1972
Gladiator 1971
Tauriņdeja Nino 1971
The Triple Control 1970
The Ballad of Bering and His Friends 1970
Stari stiklā Irisa 1969
Farkhad's Heroism Vera 1968
The Times of the Surveyors Liena 1968
Strong with Spirit Lidiya Lisovskaya 1967
Andromeda Nebula Veda Kong 1967
The Swamp Wader Kristīne 1966
Nobody Wanted to Die Ona 1965
The Rockets Should Not Fly Up 1964
Blood Ties Соня 1964
Diena bez vakara 1963
Kārkli pelēkie zied 1961
Storm Māra 1961
Stranger in the Village Elza 1958
After The Storm Ruta 1956
Following the Swan Flock of Clouds Dace 1956
Государственная граница Zinaida Kirillovna <mt>
Театр Julia Lambert <mt>
Kamenskaya Регина Вальтер <mt>
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