John R. Cumpson

    August 30, 1866
    March 15, 1913
    Buffalo, New York, USA
    Screen Presence

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Mr. Smith, Barber 1912
Billy's Séance 1911
The Stenographer's Friend; Or, What Was Accomplished by an Edison Business Phonograph 1910
How Bumptious Papered the Parlor Bumptious 1910
The Nichols on a Vacation Mr. Nichols 1910
The Eternal Triangle The Husband 1910
Two Men The Miner 1910
Getting Even Miner 1909
The Little Darling In Boarding House 1909
The Mills of the Gods Delivery Man 1909
Mrs. Jones' Lover or, I Want My Hat Mr. Jones 1909
They Would Elope 1909
Mr. Jones’ Burglar Mr. Jones 1909
A Strange Meeting At Party 1909
The Cardinal's Conspiracy Comic Cutthroat/A Member of the Court 1909
The Peachbasket Hat Mr. Jones 1909
Her First Biscuits Mr. Jones 1909
The Violin Maker of Cremona In Crowd 1909
What Drink Did 1909
The Cricket on the Hearth Innkeeper 1909
Two Memories Party Guest 1909
Resurrection At Inn / Servant 1909
Jones and the Lady Book Agent Edward Jones 1909
The Note in the Shoe In Office 1909
The Suicide Club Member of Suicide Club 1909
A Troublesome Satchel The Man with the Satchel 1909
Confidence In Bar 1909
The Winning Coat Innkeeper 1909
Schneider’s Anti-Noise Crusade Mr. Schneider 1909
The Road to the Heart Chinese Man 1909
Trying to Get Arrested The Tramp 1909
A Drunkard's Reformation Man in the Orchestra / Man in the Bar 1909
Jones and His New Neighbors Mr. Jones 1909
The Lure of the Gown Man on Street / At Dance 1909
The Salvation Army Lass Barkeep / Salvationist 1909
The Roue’s Heart Nobleman 1909
The Wooden Leg Father 1909
His Wife's Mother Mr. Jones 1909
At the Altar Dinner Guest 1909
The Joneses Have Amateur Theatricals Mr. Jones 1909
The Hindoo Dagger The Doctor 1909
The Girls and Daddy At Black & Tan Ball 1909
The Cord of Life In Tenement 1909
Those Awful Hats Theatre Audience 1909
Mr. Jones Has a Card Party Mr. Jones 1909
The Fascinating Mrs. Francis Party Guest 1909
The Sacrifice At Jeweler's 1909
A Rural Elopement In Crowd 1909
Love Finds a Way Footman 1909
Mrs. Jones Entertains Mr. jones 1909
Mr. Jones at the Ball Mr. Jones 1908
The Christmas Burglars 1908
The Stolen Jewels Smithson / Man at Broker's 1908
A Smoked Husband Mr. Bibbs 1908
Monday Morning in a Coney Island Police Court Honorable Patrick McPheeney 1908
The White Caps 1905
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