Zahrat El-Ola

    June 10, 1934
    December 18, 2013
    Alexandria, Egypt
    Screen Presence

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Zahra al-‘Oula Bakir was born in the district of Muharram Bey in Alexandia to a family originally from al-Mahala. Her talents for acting and imitation were apparent when she was in secondary school. Her father was a friend of Youssif Wahbi and so he presented her to him and she enrolled at the Acting Institute with the help of Zaki Tuleiman. Zahra acted in several plays including “Hourriyah men al-Mareekh”, “al-Bakheel” (“The Miser”), Mareed bi al-Wahm” (“Illusory Illness”), “Fattish ‘an al-Maraa” (“Look for the Woman”), “al-Ghabi wa Anna” (“The Idiot and Myself”) and “Sab’a Farkhat wa Deek” (“Seven Hens and a Rooster”). Thereafter she was assigned major cinema roles. Zahra enjoyed a romantic aura and she received a diploma from the Higher Institute for Cinema in 1954. Zahra was the first in her class and she continued her stage career on modern theater. Zahra married Salah Zu al-Faqqar and later director Hassan al-Saifi. Among the television series which she has acted in are “Waffiyat Nas Tayebeen”. Zahra was honored at the Feature Films Festival. While a youth, Zahra represented the model of the innocent and suppressed girl. She has not portrayed any evil characters as her appearance does not lend itself to such roles. Zahra also acted in “Radd Qalbi”, “Du’aa al-Karwan” and “Tareeq al-Amal”. Despite the fact that she has acted in some comedies her roles were generally not comedic.

Like A Matchstick 2016
The Ship of Love and Torment 1993
Bnt albasha alwazir 1991
Zaman aljdean 1991
Mu'akhar Sadaq 1990
ترويض الرجل 1989
Days of Horror 1988
Had Al-Saif Zahra 1986
Omar's Journey 1986
Shaaytan Men Assal 1985
Hadi Badi 1984
Ana mshun hiramia 1983
The Bus Driver Mervat's Mother 1982
صورة عائلية ام ناهد 1982
رجل في سجن النساء 1982
صراع العشاق 1981
I'm not lying, I'm sugar coating Nadia 1981
فتوة الجبل 1980
Hisab alsinin فاطمة 1978
Sikkat Al-Ashqeen 1978
القضية المشهورة 1978
Daa El-Omr Ya Walady 1978
Ahla Ayam Al Omr 1978
دعاء المظلومين الحجه زوجة مصطفى 1977
Min Ajl Alhayah 1977
The White Dress 1975
The Victims 1975
Youm El Ahad El Damy 1975
Past Love Fawzia 1973
Al Sokkareya Aisha Abdel Jawad 1973
ليمون حلو مارتا 1972
The Three Madmen Suniya 1970
Eve at 12 o'clock محاسن 1969
Ebn El-Hetta 1968
Love in August سيدة بالطريق الصحراوي 1966
Mabka el oshak 1966
Al Shaqiqan 1965
All for Hanafy 1964
El Maganeen Fi Naeem Layla 1963
أنا الهارب Nadia - Hamdi's wife 1962
The King of Petrol 1962
Wives killing association بهية 1962
Al-Layaly Al-dafe'a 1961
The Interpreter 1961
Ashour The Lion's Heart نادية 1961
me and my daughters ميرفت محمود عبدالفتاح 1961
A Man in Our House Samia Zahir 1961
The River of Love Safia/Mamdouh’s wife 1960
رجل بلا قلب زهرة 1960
Alribat Almuqadas Suaad 1960
El Murra El Maghoula Suad Abdel Hamid 1959
The Nightingale's Prayer Handay 1959
Ismail Yassine in the Air Force 1959
Sirr Taqiyyat Al Ikhfa 1959
Bufakkar filli nassini 1959
Jamila, the Algerian Bouazza 1958
Mid-night driver Badriya, Hassan's fiancée 1958
Till We Meet Nawal 1958
أبو عيون جريئة 1958
Return My Heart Bahia 1957
Tarek Al Amal 1957
Ismail Yassine Fil Ustul Nadia 1957
Port Said Rawayeh 1957
Sageen Abu Za'abal Saniya 1957
The Crime and The Punishment 1957
The Empty Pillow Durraya 1957
الغريب 1956
دعوة المظلوم هدى 1956
Ismail Yassine Fil Police Saniya 1956
نداء الحب ناديه عزت 1956
Qoloob Ha'erah 1956
Appointment with Love Zahrah 1956
I Killed My Wife Soad 1956
Life's Wishes 1955
Our Best Days Salwa 1955
أحلام الربيع 1955
Soul lover 1955
مملكة النساء 1955
Victory of Love 1954
Pity My Tears Nawal Salem 1954
Assaad El Ayam Souad 1954
Laila Min Omri 1954
Traces in the Sand Laila 1954
Girl next door 1954
Ana El-Hobu Olfat 1954
Bahbouh Efendi 1954
اللقاء الأخير 1953
طريق السعادة أمينة 1953
Aisha Fifi 1953
شريك حياتى ليلى 1953
Down with Colonialism! 1952
صورة الزفاف 1952
Hadrat Al-Muhtaram 1952
Believing in God Huda 1952
My Father Deceived Me 1951
طريق الأبطال
أنا وبابا والقطة
الحب الأخير
The Next-Door Girl
Mat3ab Al Mahna <blank> <mt>
The wife is first to know <blank> <mt>
Mr. Abo El-Ela El-Beshry's Journey <blank> <mt>
Love and other things <blank> <mt>
He and She Stories <blank> <mt>
محمد رسول الله ضيف <mt>
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