Mitsusaburō Ramon

    October 10, 1901
    May 6, 1976
    Imamiya, Osaka Prefecture, Japan
    Screen Presence

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Zatoichi the Fugitive 1963
鉄砲安の生涯 1962
Otemoyan 1961
Satan's Sword: The Dragon God 1960
Jirocho - The Chivalrous 1960
The Lord Pretends Tomoe no Tajû 1959
Sudden Attack of the Christian Lord 1959
女と海賊 題目の伊三 1959
Gambler and the Princess 1959
Akado Suzunosuke: Dokuro dentaiji 1958
Ambush at Iga Pass 1958
Nichiren and the Great Mongol Invasion 1958
White Snake Woman 1958
Tales of Young Genji Kuro 1957
Flowery Hood 1956
Flowery Brothers 1956
Asataro the Crow 1956
Seiryū no dōkutsu Ryu 1956
Jagā no me 1956
Matashirō Fighting Journey 1956
Taira Clan Saga Ryokan 1955
The Young Lord 1955
Nagurikomi Songokū 1954
Tanuki Battle of Awaodori Festival 1954
A Samurai's Love 1954
Ugetsu Captain of Tamba Soldiers 1953
Ô abare Songokû 1952
Kojiki Taishô Kii Shigefusa 1952
Dedication of the Great Buddha 1952
Story of Lightning 1951
Izayoi kaidō 1951
Lantern Under a Full Moon 1951
Judge of the Ashuras 1951
Tōkaidō wa kyōjō tabi 1950
The Invisible Man Appears Inspector Matsubara 1949
Ghost Train 1949
Goblin Courier 1949
Nocturnal Gate 1948
The Woman Who Opens the Door 1946
A Baby Given by a Fox 1945
花婿太閤記 1945
Ikeru isu 1945
紅顏鼓笛隊 1945
Wrestling-Ring Festival 1944
Kenpu Renpeikan Utanosuke 1944
Oichi no kata 1942
Vengeance at Iga 1942
Masujiro Omura 1942
The 47 Ronin Tokubee Izeki 1941
Rashōmon 1941
夫婦太鼓 水戸浪士小関道之助 1941
The Mysterious Edogawa Ranzan 1937
Araki Mataemon: Master Swordsman 1935
The Downfall of Osen Ukiki 1935
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