Mary Maurice

    November 15, 1844
    April 30, 1918
    Morristown, Ohio, USA
    Screen Presence

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Over the Top Mrs. Margaret McNeal 1918
Who Goes There? Peasant woman 1917
Transgression Mrs. Page 1917
Womanhood, the Glory of the Nation Julia Strong 1917
The Mainspring Bernice (as Mrs. Maurice) 1916
Black Friday Mrs. Rossitor 1916
Phantom Fortunes Mrs. Gallagher 1916
The Redemption of Dave Darcey Grace's mother 1916
The Good in the Worst of Us 1915
A Keyboard Strategy Mrs. Burton 1915
The Battle Cry of Peace Mrs. Harrison 1915
Twice Rescued Mother Royston 1915
A Madcap Adventure Aunt Sarah 1915
Mother's Roses Mother Morrison 1915
Wanted, a Nurse 1st Nurse 1915
The Greater Love 1914
The Apple Aunt Sophia 1914
The Helpful (?) Sisterhood The Grandmother 1914
The Portrait Mrs. Rosemary Blair 1914
A Pair of Frauds Mrs. Sawyer 1914
In the Shadow Mrs. Merkle 1913
The Tiger 1913
Song Bird of the North 1913
Tricks of the Trade Jennie Corcoran 1913
The Modern Prodigal Mrs. Gray 1913
Mrs Lirriper’s Lodgers Mrs Lirriper 1912
Saving an Audience Susan B. Gabonthy 1912
Her Grandchild Mrs. Grant - the Grandmother 1912
Vultures and Doves 1912
The Cross Roads Phoebe Hale - Charity's Mother 1912
Conscience 1912
An Eventful Elopement Mrs. Wright - Pronubial Mother 1912
The Picture Idol Mrs. Ward - Beth's Mother 1912
Aunty's Romance Doris' Aunt Patience 1912
Captain Jenks' Diplomacy 1912
The Seventh Son Janet Beecham, a Widow 1912
The Firing of the Patchwork Quilt Mrs. McCoy - the Mother 1912
Her Boy The Grandmother 1912
The Younger Brother Mother Werner 1911
War Arna's Mother 1911
The Life Boat The Mother 1911
Treasure Trove 1911
The Battle Hymn of the Republic 1911
A Quaker Mother Mrs. Pearson - A Quaker Mother 1911
The Sleep Walker 1911
The Sacrifice The Grandmother 1911
His Mother Donald's Mother 1911
A Dixie Mother The Dixie Mother 1910
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