Dušan Tarageľ

    January 30, 1948
Pribylina, Československo [teraz Slovensko]
Screen Presence

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Dušan Tarageľ is a graduate of the Academy of Performing Arts, which he completed in 1971 with a red diploma. Immediately after graduating from university, he became a member of the Slovak National Theater. During his rich acting career, he played a number of interesting characters, whether in theater or in films. The most famous films and productions in which he has performed include The Day That Won't Die, The Lost Valley, Sváko Ragan, Christmas Waffles and Ťapákovci. He has also appeared in several series produced by Slovak Television, but his performance has been focused on theater for many years. Thanks to his performances, he has also won several acting awards. He is married, lives in Bratislava and has two daughters. In addition to the theater, however, he also engaged in dubbing acting for many years. At present, he has been permanently involved in the SND drama in Bratislava since his graduation.

Filmoviedky: Olé, zápražka 2010
Chaos 2000
Mučivé tajomstvo 1999
Ja nič neviem 1998
O hlúpej žene 1996
Matúš 1996
Tri poviedky s Karolom Machatom 1993
Pod vládou ženy aj na svitaní 1993
Tanec lásky a smrti 1993
Jahňa chudobného 1992
Stratený list 1992
Neznámy 1992
Mastný hrniec 1991
Fuente ovejuna Flores 1990
Kamene 1989
Jubileum Pribilinec 1988
Prvé hlásky lásky 1988
Žolík 1988
Počítač 1987
Kto ste, Jozef Gabčík 1987
Kto Zaplatí Nohavice 1986
Ako sa husár učiteľom stal 1985
Škriepnici 1985
Výlet do Paríža 1985
Takmer božský omyl 1985
Dedova truhlica 1984
Jankina rozprávka 1983
Bola som z olova 1983
Učiteľka riaditeľ 1983
Popolvar, Biggest in the World Prince Branislav (voice) 1982
Chlap prezývaný Brumteles 1982
„Omladnutie“ 1982
Maťo a princezná Uliana 1982
Špina za nechtami 1982
Vlci 1982
Nech sa niekto opováži alebo Ako Ďuro Konôpka o fujaru prišiel 1982
Otec 1981
Hodiny 1981
Orechový koláč (voice) 1981
Macbeth Young Siward 1981
Chlapec z majera Tomáš Spodniak 1980
Dnes platí regulačný stupeň č. 6 1980
Jennie Gerhardtová 1980
Sobota, nedeľa, pondelok 1980
Na skle maľované 1980
Záhradníkov pes 1979
Strašidlo Grumio 1978
Dvere dokorán Ivan Pavelka (voice) 1978
Zlatý dážď 1978
Cudzí jazyk 1978
Christmas Wafer 1977
Ťapákovci 1977
Stratená dolina 1977
Škola klebiet 1977
Obhajoba sa nekoná 1977
Andersonvillský proces 1976
If I Had a Girl Vlado 1976
Život na úteku 1976
Tetované časom 1976
Strieborný jaguár 1976
Meridián 1976
Horali 1975
Strieborný prach 1975
Alizuna 1975
Deň, ktorý neumrie 1974
Jaríkovský kostol 1974
Sólo pre bicie (hodiny) 1973
Prípad Daniel Pišta 1973
Ľubica medvedica 1968
Bakaláři <blank> <mt>
Pltník Paľko a vodník Venček Maťo (voice) <mt>
Profesor Bernhardi Adler <mt>
Kronika <blank> <mt>
Nepokojná láska <blank> <mt>
Sváko Ragan <blank> <mt>
Louis Pasteur <blank> <mt>
Oco, mama a ja <blank> <mt>
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Panpulóni z našej police <blank> <mt>
Balladyna Chochlík <mt>
Šiel tovariš svetom <blank> <mt>
Keby bolo keby <blank> <mt>
Národný hriešnik <blank> <mt>
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