Mikhail Zharov

    October 27, 1899
    December 15, 1981
    Moscow, Russia
    Screen Presence

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The Village Detective: A Song Cycle Self - Actor / Various Roles (archive footage) 2021
Aniskin Again Aniskin 1978
Aniskin and Fantomas Фёдор Анискин 1974
The Very Last Day Семен Митрофанович Ковалев 1973
Zharov Tells... 1970
The Village Detective Fyodor Ivanovich Aniskin 1969
Elder Sister Ukhov 1967
Cain the XVIII-th Minister of War 1963
Attention! The Magician Is in the City! cook 1963
Чужой бумажник 1962
Млечный путь 1959
Red Leaves (as M. Zharov) 1958
Ivan the Terrible, Part II: The Boyars' Plot Czar's Guard Malyuta Skuratov 1958
A Girl with Guitar Sviristinsky 1958
Ivan the Terrible Malyuta Skuratov 1958
Boots 1957
The Anna Cross Artynov 1954
Vassa Zheleznova 1953
Happy Flight шофер Зачесов 1949
Life in Bloom Khrenov 1949
For Those Who Are at Sea 1948
A Noisy Household Semibab 1946
Twins Vadim Spiridonovich Yeropkin 1945
Ivan the Terrible, Part I Czar's Guard Malyuta Skuratov 1944
Young Fritz Fritz 1943
Air Taxi Baranov 1943
In the Name of the Motherland Globa 1943
Actress Reciter in hospital 1943
The Tale of Tsar Saltan Tsar (voice) 1943
The District Secretary Gavril Fedorovich Rusov 1942
Defense of Tsaritsyn Perchikhin 1942
Bogdan Khmelnitskiy Gavrilo 1941
Our Cinema (archive footage) 1940
Engineer Kochin's Error Lartsev 1939
Man in a Shell Михаил Александрович Коваленко (учитель истории и географии) 1939
The Vyborg Side Platon Vassilievich Dymba 1939
Stepan Razin Lazunka 1939
Peter the First, Part II Alexander Danilovich Menshikov 1938
The Bear Grigori Stepanovich Smirnov 1938
Peter the First, Part I Alexander Danilovich Menshikov 1937
The Return of Maxim Platon Dymba 1937
Love and Hate 1935
Three Comrades Zaitsev 1935
Thunderstorm Koudryash (as M.I. Jaroff) 1934
Marionettes 1934
Outskirts Krayevitch, a student 1933
26 Commissioners Menshevik 1932
Road to Life Tomka Zhigan, leader of the wild boys 1931
Two-Buldi-Two 1929
The White Eagle Clerk 1928
Don Diego and Pelagia Mikhail Ivanovich 1928
The Man from the Restaurant Waiter 1927
Miss Mend 1926
Chess Fever House Painter 1925
His Call 1925
The Cigarette Girl of Mosselprom sluzhashchiy i nosil'shchik 1924
Aelita: Queen of Mars Actor in Play 1924
Tsar Ivan Vasilevich Groznyy Soldier 1915
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