Rogvold Sukhoverko

    October 30, 1941
    April 9, 2015
    Chistopol, Tatarskaya ASSR, RSFSR, USSR [now Tatarstan, Russia]
    Screen Presence

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The Goddess: How I Fell in Love Aksakov 2004
The Shepherd of His Cows 2002
Берлинский экспресс Narrator 2002
Попались все... 1998
Puss in Boots 1995
AMBA 1995
Pages of Russian History. The Land of the Ancestors (voice) 1994
Captain Pronin 3: in Space Navigator / Space Pirate / Police (Voice) 1993
A Few Pages From the Life of a Ghost 1992
Эй, на том берегу! Пёс по имени Дракон 1992
Captain Pronin - Major Pronin's Grandson The Chief 1992
Mashenka Bear 1992
Depression "Oldster" (voice) 1991
Vampires of Geona 1991
Here There Be Tygers 1989
Записки Пирата сторожевой пёс 1989
Power Porridge 1987
My Dearly Beloved Detective 1986
Valuable Parcel (voice) 1986
Wonders of Technology 1986
About Bunny Oi and Bunny Ai (voice) 1985
По дороге с облаками 1984
A gift for the Elephant Elephant [Slonyonok] (voice) / Слон 1984
The Little Elephant and a Letter Giraffe (voice) / Жираф 1983
Boastful Little Mouse 1983
Blue Tit's Calendar (voice) 1983
Maria, Mirabella (voice) 1982
Lisa Patrikeevna Медведь 1982
This Fantastic World 5 Пробиус 1981
Он попался! 1981
Cat Kotofeyevitch The Bear (voice) 1981
Soldier's Tale (voice) 1980
Topchumba The Bear (voice) 1980
Почему слоны? Пеликан, Собака, Слон, Дядя, Медведь 1980
The Flying Ship Polkan (voice) 1979
This Fantastic World 1 1979
Сами виноваты 1979
A Tale of Lost Time 1978
Чемпион в лесу (voice) 1977
Лоскутик и облако (voice) 1977
Two Maples (voice) 1977
The Holiday of Disobedience (voice) 1977
Hello, I'm Your Aunt! policeman 1975
Last Summer of Childhood жулик 1975
The Wizard of Oz (voice) 1974
Птичий рынок (voice) 1974
Здравствуйте, тётя лиса! (voice) 1974
Алёнушка и солдат (voice) 1974
Balalaykin and K 1973
Land, Poste Restante 1973
The Lower Depths 1972
The Property of Republic Kochin 1971
Ordinary story Doctor 1970
The Red Tent Ringborg (uncredited) 1969
Shine, Shine, My Star bandit (uncredited) 1969
The Student Doorman 1969
Они живут рядом Lotoshnikov 1968
Touches on the V. I. Lenin's Portrait 1967
В стране ловушек Самсон Силыч- милиционер <mt>
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