Musa Uzunlar

    April 22, 1959
Antalya, Turkey
Screen Presence

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He is originally from Kemerhisar, Nigde. He graduated from Mimar Sinan University State Conservatory Theatre Department in 1985 and started working in State Theatres. He worked as an actor and director in Bursa, Ankara and Istanbul State Theatres. In addition to his managerial duties at the State Theatres, he also worked as a manager at the State Theatres Sports Club and the State Opera and Ballet Employees Foundation TOBAV. He directed plays at the State Theatres in Bursa, Adana, Diyarbakir, Trabzon, Ankara and Istanbul. He also directed plays in state theaters in Bursa, Adana, Diyarbakir, Trabzon, Ankara and Istanbul. He also worked as a director in Izmit City Theatre, Bakirkoy Municipality Theatres, Eskisehir Theatre Anadolu, Yeditepe Players, Abdullah Sahin/Nokta Theatre, Theatre Ti, Ankara Finance Theatre, Theatre Adam and Macedonia Skopje Peoples Theatre and Bulgaria Ruscuk State Theatre. He also worked as an actor in many plays in private and paid theaters. He wrote two plays, Hüzün Mahallesi Otobüsü and Turtle's Lullaby. The first of these was published and staged at the State Theatres. He worked as an instructor at Uludag University Faculty of Education, Eskisehir Anadolu University State Conservatory Theatre Department, Mimar Sinan University Performing and Visual Arts Department and State Conservatory Theatre Department. He is currently working as an instructor at Halic University and Yeditepe University. He also works in cinema, television and dubbing. He is the President of TOBAV Istanbul Branch. He has starred in many series and films. He became widely known with the character of Iskender Büyük in Kurtlar Vadisi Pusu and the film Kurtlar Vadisi Gladio. He also starred in the series "Subat", which was broadcast on TRT 1 between 2012-2013. Later, he played the character of Bahri Umman in the series Poyraz Karayel, which was broadcast on Kanal D between 2015-2017. IMDb Mini Bio by; yusufpiskin

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