Toshihiko Sakakibara

    July 27, 1969
Yokohama, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan
Screen Presence

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民事介入暴力 非合法領域3 2004
極道甲子園 2004
Jingi 35: Ambition Compensation 2003
Jingi 34: Killing Reward 2003
Jingi 36: Ammunition of the Rebellion 2003
Jingi 33: Gokudo Revenge War 2002
Jingi 32: The Price of Betrayal 2002
Jingi 31: Boryokudan Re-armed 2002
Jingi 30: In-law Cemetery 2002
民事介入暴力 非合法領域2 2002
Jingi 29: Gokudo Corpse Robbery 2001
Jingi 28: Bone and Meat Rule 2001
Jingi 27: Revenge Bullet 2001
Jingi Minus One -Prologue- 2001
民事介入暴力 非合法領域 2001
Jingi 26: Conflict and Ambition 2000
雀狼伝2 必殺!!亜空間殺法 2000
Jingi 25: Bloody Rule 2000
Jingi 24: Rebel Hunting 2000
Toppamono Taiyouden 2000
Jingi 23: Bodyguard 2000
Jingi 22: Crazy Beast 1999
Jingi 21: Yakuza Decade War 1999
Jingi 20: Betrayal Reward 1999
Jingi 19: Killing Army 1999
Jingi 18: The Price of the Rebellion 1998
Jingi 17: The Beast of Killing All 1998
Jingi 16: Betrayal Ammunition 1998
Jingi 15: Female Leopard Attack 1998
Jingi 14: Fund robbery 1998
Jingi 13: Hell's Tomb Mark 1997
Jingi 12: Bloody Territory (Sima) 1997
Jingi 11: Hokuriku Yakuza Hunting 1997
Jingi 10: Bloody Proxy War 1996
Jingi 9: Revenge War of the Reaper 1996
July 7th, Sunny Day 1996
Sanctuary - Part 3 Reiji Tashiro 1996
Jingi 8: Intensified Internal Conflict 1996
Jingi 7: Proxy War Outbreak 1996
Sanctuary - Part 2 Reiji Tashiro 1995
Sanctuary Reiji Tashiro 1995
Jingi 6: Full Overkill War 1995
Jingi 5 1995
Jingi 4 1995
Jingi 3 1994
Jingi 2 1994
Megalopolis Express Way Trial 4 1992
Yonigeya hompo Shindo 1992
Convenience Jack 1992
Shirayuri Girls' Academy Western Archery Club: A Silver Target 1991
Eenyobo 宇佐美愼 <mt>
Tales of the Bizarre <blank> <mt>
Yesterday Enemy is Still Enemy Today Arashi Nobuhide <mt>
古谷一行の名探偵・金田一耕助シリーズ Shimura <mt>
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    6. at Store->save() in StartSession.php line 88
    7. at StartSession->terminate(object(Request), object(Response)) in Kernel.php line 138
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