Ju Seon-tae

    January 1, 1921
    August 22, 1989
    Kilju, Kankyō-hoku Prefecture, Korea, Empire of Japan [now North Hamgyeong Province, North Korea]
    Screen Presence

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The Deaf Worker 1980
Genealogy Sol Jin-young 1979
The Little Adventurer 1979
Tomorrow and Tomorrow 1979
Love Of Blood Relations 1976
The Promise Mr. Park 1975
A Little Star 1975
The Testimony Chief of Staff 1974
Nilliri Hong Yun-ho 1966
Battlefield and a Female Teacher 1966
Horse-year Bride 1966
The King and the Servant Boy Hong Gwang-won 1965
Fading in the Rain Seol Hak-su 1965
The Sino-Japanese War and Queen Min the Heroine Lee Hong-jang 1965
The Power for Ten Years Minister Hwang 1964
The Continental Spy Chu Dae-in 1964
The Regular Tardy Student Executive Director Ju 1964
The Teacher with Ten Daughters 1964
Kinship Kang-ga 1963
The Classroom of Youth 1963
Man Is Not Popular Boss 1963
Tosuni: The Birth of Happiness Park Ga (Cheater) 1963
Teacher Waryong's Trip to Seoul 1962
The Way of Hwarang General Jisan 1962
A Salaryman 1962
In So Long Jeong Byeong-gu 1962
Prince Yeonsan Shin Soo-gyeom 1961
An Upstart Manager 1961
A Dream of Fortune Mr. Park (Teacher) 1961
A Bonanza Gentleman 1961
The Coachman Hwangsajang (Maju) 1961
Princess Ok-ran and Hwalbindang 1960
The Moral of Youth 1960
Soil Yoo Jeong-geun 1960
Romance Papa Thief 1960
A Female Boss Mr. Oh (Golf pants) 1959
Even the Clouds Are Drifting 1959
A Sister's Garden Cheon Se-han 1959
Dongsimcho Bokdeokbang owner 1959
Chun Hui Jeweller 1959
King Gojong and Martyr An Jung-Geun Song Byung-jun 1959
It's Not Her Sin 1959
The Romantic Train 1959
A Country Girl Kwon-il 1958
A College Woman's Confession Boss 1958
A Wild Chrysanthemum 1957
A Woman's War 1957
A Lady of Freedom 1957
The Wedding Day 1956
The Enemy of Woman 1956
Prince in Yam Clothes 1956
Madame Freedom Baek Gwang-jin 1956
An Idiot Adada 1956
The Hand of Destiny Boss of spies 1954
Dawn of Nation 1947
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