Zouzou Nabil

    July 6, 2018
    May 1, 1996
    Monufia, Egypt
    Screen Presence

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Woman and Cleaver 1997
Get Rich or Get Enamored 1994
Laih Ya Dunya نونا هانم 1994
Leylat Al-Qatl Taghreed El-Salamouni 1994
Mr. Karate صاحبة المعاش 1993
Dasuqi 'afnadiun fi almasif 1992
The Escape Sakina’s aunt - Muntaser’s mother 1991
Agent number 13 Sharif's mother 1989
المرشد 1989
امرأة بلا قلب 1978
Coward in Love Nafisa 1975
The Divorcées 1975
A Crime in the Calm Neighbourhood 1967
جريمة في الحي الهادي 1967
His Excellency, The Ambassador 1966
Between Two Mansions Umm Yassin 1964
Woman on the Margin 1963
Rabia el-adawiya Alia 1963
Salwa fi mahab el rih 1962
Why Am I Living 1961
Hub Hataa Aleibada 1960
سجن العذارى 1959
Ghaltet Habibi 1958
Bent El-Badeya 1958
I Am Free 1958
House of Forbidden Pleasures 1957
Lawahez 1957
Melody of Devotion Zuzu 1955
April Fool 1954
Qolob El Nas Aziza Shabara 1954
في شرع مين 1953
The Time of Miracles 1952
Amal Suheir Hassan, mother of Amal 1952
Men Al-Qalb Lel Qalb Inayat 1952
Al Donya Helwa 1951
أنا بنت ناس 1951
Laylet Gharam 1951
Fil Hawa Sawa Lawahez Aunt 1951
في الهوا سوا عمة لواحظ 1951
A Lebanese at the university 1947
Five Pounds 1946
Salamah Shawq, Rafiqa Salama 1945
Nour al-Din and the Three Sailors 1944
Cleopatra 1943
Al-Sharid 1942
Rabab Nemat 1942
Wives factory 1941
Storm over the countryside 1941
A woman's heart Saniya 1940
Lend Me Three Pounds 1939
One Thousand and One Nights: Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves <blank> <mt>
The Family of Mr. Shalash فسحة هانم <mt>
Alf liela w liela - Wardashan w Mando <blank> <mt>
Bakiza and Zaghloul <blank> <mt>
Alf liela w liela - El Talat Banat <blank> <mt>
Alf liela w liela - Aroos El Bahr <blank> <mt>
Forset El Omr <blank> <mt>
Mountain Wolves <blank> <mt>
Al Amthal <blank> <mt>
Hend and Dr. Noman <blank> <mt>
The Foul Wind <blank> <mt>
Falling in Sabe Well <blank> <mt>
Ghawayesh <blank> <mt>
Stories of Mr. Ayoub and Mrs. Inayat <blank> <mt>
لا إله إلا الله <blank> <mt>
Fingers Of The Time <blank> <mt>
An Escape Night <blank> <mt>
النورس <blank> <mt>
8 حارة البحر <blank> <mt>
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