Heino Mandri

    September 11, 1922
    December 3, 1990
    Kohtla-Järve, Estonia
    Screen Presence

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Heino Mandri (11 September 1922 – 3 December 1990) was an Estonian film and stage actor, designated People's Artist of the Estonian SSR (1986). Heino Mandri was born in the independent Republic of Estonia. He studied acting at Tallinn State Conservatory (now, the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre) and graduated in 1946, when post-war Estonia was part of the Soviet Union. At that time Heino Mandri was accused of anti-Soviet activities and sentenced to imprisonment and hard labor in Gulag. From 1948 to 1954 he served the sentence in the Viatlag prison camp, Lesnoy, Kirov Oblast in Northern Russia. In 1954, Heino Mandri returned from the Viatlag prison camp to Estonian Soviet Socialist Republic. At that time he underwent Soviet censorship procedures before he was permitted to resume his acting career under the Soviet administration.

Nazis and Blondes (archive footage) 2008
Entrance to Labyrinth Zigmund Khyutter 1990
Faulty Brides Mart 1989
Doctor Stockmann Aslaksen 1989
I'm Not a Tourist, I Live Here Mart's Father 1989
Dance Around the Steam Boiler 1988
The Joys of Midlife Uncle Raul 1987
In One Hundred Years in May President of the Court Martial 1986
Chicherin (as H. Mandri) 1986
The Secret Agent’s End King 1986
European Story 1984
Arabella, the Pirate's Daughter Warship Captain 1982
Гибель 31 отдела первый директор концерна 1981
Mercedes Runs Away from the Chase Abt, German Colonel 1981
A Woman Heats the Sauna Moorits 1979
Teacher of Reigi Judge 1978
Time to Live, Time to Love 1977
Brillianty dlya diktatury proletariata Iurla 1976
Indrek Timusk 1976
The Red Violin 1975
Spring in the Forest Forester 1974
Inimeste maja Narrator 1974
Forest Captain Accordion 1972
Lack of Wind 1971
Summer Games of Insects Head Referee (voice) 1971
Between Three Plagues Topff 1970
Liberation: The Break Through German Officer 1970
Liberation: The Fire Bulge 1970
A Tale of a Chekist Jundt 1969
The Dead Season 1968
Exploded Hell 1967
What Happened To Andres Lapeteus? Põdrus 1967
We Were Eighteen Trossi 1965
The Lark Standartenfuhrer 1964
The New Devil of Hellsbottom Pastor 1964
Hills Like White Elephants 1963
Uninvited Guests 1959
Russia Is Young граф Пипер <mt>
Entrance to the Maze Zigmund Khyutter - baron <mt>
Документ Р <blank> <mt>
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