Fakher Fakher

    March 3, 1912
    December 1, 1962
    Asyut, Egypt
    Screen Presence

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Like A Matchstick 2016
The Mamluks Mahmoud Al-Haddad Abu Qamar 1965
Alf Leila We Leila Abu Fattouh 1964
Shafiqa Al-Qibtiya Ibrahim 1963
Men Gheir Ma'ad الخال 1962
The Thief and the Dogs Sheikh 1962
Letter from an Unknown Woman Ibrahim 1962
Akher Forsa 1962
Yawm El Hesab 1962
Alkhataya Abdel Karim 1962
Antar the Black Prince Malik Abu Abla 1961
The Student 1961
نصف عذراء 1961
Blood on the Nile 1961
The Shore of Love Fathi 1961
Mal wa Nisaa صابر 1960
My Only Love 1960
Rendezvous with a Stranger sobhy 1959
Abo Hadeed Abu Raya 1958
Jamila, the Algerian Mustafa Bouhired, Jamila’s uncle 1958
Soultan المعلم عواد 1958
The Virgin Wife Mohsen - Souad Hanem's lawyer 1958
Return My Heart 1957
إسماعيل يس في جنينة الحيوانات من اقارب حشمت 1957
The Thug 1957
I'll Never Cry Abu Ouf 1957
Land of Peace Abed 1957
Rassif Nemra 5 1956
The Adventures of Ismail Yassine 1954
Al-Sayyid Al-Badawi 1953
Albi Ala Waldi Hafez 1953
Love Has No Cure Bahgat Bey 1952
Men Al-Qalb Lel Qalb Hassouna 1952
Fil Hawa Sawa Nafie 1951
في الهوا سوا نافع 1951
El avocato Madiha 1950
The Two Orphans 1948
Salamah The shepherd Hakim 1945
Ambassador of Hell Fareed 1945
Yasqut Alhubu 1944
Passion and Revenge Badawi 1944
Les Miserables Fathi 1943
Jawhara 1943
Bent Zawat Ehsan Beah 1942
Children of the poor Raouf Zaki Fouad 1942
A groom from Istanbul Tahir Ertuğrul 1941
Storm over the countryside 1941
Salah al-Din al-Ayyubi Amr's assistant 1941
Layla the Country Girl 1941
Cry in the night 1940
A woman's heart Ali 1940
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