Abdel Moneim Ismail

    November 3, 1907
    October 13, 1970
    Screen Presence

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Om Hashim's Lamp 1968
Khan El-Khalili 1966
Heya Wil Regal 1965
The Laughing Crime 1963
El Maganeen Fi Naeem 1963
The Thief and the Dogs 1962
Kollohom Awlady 1962
No Discussion عبد التواب الحانوتي 1961
H-3 ممرض الحقن 1961
El safira Aziza 1961
The Shore of Love 1961
Mal wa Nisaa 1960
A Beginning and an Ending 1960
End of the Road 1960
Gharamiat emaraa الحاج طه 1960
Kholkhal habibi 1960
Bahia المعلم جرمون / بائع 1960
They're Driving Me Crazy 1960
I'm accusing 1960
Hub Hataa Aleibada 1960
Between Heaven and Earth 1959
Umm Ratiba Akawye 1959
Katia tarik 1959
إسماعيل يس للبيع! المعلم رمضان 1958
The Love Street 1958
Eghraa 1957
Tahera 1957
Port Said 1957
Ways of the Heart 1956
The General Inspector 1956
Dalila 1956
Sahifat el sawabek 1956
جرب حظك 1956
Kilo 99 1956
The Scornful Man creditor 1956
Fortune is a Promise حانوتي 1955
El Habeb El Maghool 1955
Appointment with Satan 1955
Ismail Yassine Yukabel Raya Wa Sekina El-Oombashi 1955
Our Best Days 1955
Life or Death 1954
The Country Girl 1954
They Made Me a Criminal 1954
Women Can’t Lie Abu Nabawiya 1954
Assaad El Ayam Mahmoud 1954
Hassan, Morcos and Cohen عسكرى البوليس 1954
Afretet Ismaiel Yassin Moneim 1954
Khataf Merati 1954
Banat Hawaa 1954
Taxi of Love 1954
Wafaa Hassouna 1953
Al-Sayyid Al-Badawi 1953
The Bread Seller Shehata 1953
طريق السعادة 1953
Lady Pickpocket 1953
السر في بير المعلم شطاره - صاحب البيت 1953
Life when it smiles 1953
كأس العذاب صاحب البيت 1952
House No. 13 Hajj Ashour/contractor 1952
Foreman Hassan المعلم شلبي 1952
Love Has No Cure 1952
Rayya and Sekina Innkeeper 1952
Love Humiliates 1952
في الهوا سوا ابو شنب 1951
mashghul bghyriun 1951
Maalesh Ya Zahar خليل 1950
The Flirtation of Girls فراش المدرسة 1949
أبو حلموس الطباخ 1947
My Heart is My Guide من افراد العصابة 1947
Solomon's Ring 1947
Red Lipstick 1946
Al-Haz Al-Sa'eed 1945
almutahama 1942
The Will جزار 1939
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