Hunter Alexes Parker

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Hunter Alexes Parker is an Actress, Dancer, Model and Rapper with Singing abilities. Her multiple abilities has marked her as a more than a triple threat performer. Born and raised in Scottsdale, Arizona, Hunter Alexes loves traveling across the globe to film her projects. Having several years of acting experience behind the camera at such a young age, she is best known for her Lead role as Cindy Hagan in the Feature Film, Anomaly; that was released on multiple VOD platforms. Hunter's love of acting stems from having a very creative mind, being able to express herself through the character in which she is to portray and bring that vision and character to life. With a diverse character range and depth, Hunter Alexes has done a variety of work such as; Multiple Feature Films as lead actress, or supporting, T.V., T.V. Commercials, Print Modeling, Promotional Videos, Concept videos, Industry Videos, Music Videos (as a dancer and actor), such as Latin Artist, Remy Valenzuela in "Mi Princessa"; that has reached views in the millions on YouTube. A versatile and competitive dancer, Hunter Alexes has been technically trained in a variety of dance styles such as, Hip Hop, Ballet, Jazz, Tap, Lyrical, Contemporary, Modern, and many more. Her love of the arts, Hunter Alexes studies and trains in her crafts on a daily basis, with impeccable acting technique and improv abilities, some of the greatest industry professionals have marked her style of acting, "something that can't be taught, as she taps into the character in ways not seen by young actors". Hunter Alexes is easy to work with, loves her on camera families, on and off set. In her spare time, Hunter Alexes enjoys writing her own scripts, time with her mother and brother, hanging out with her friends, and traveling.

Apocalypse Rising Mia 2018
Anomaly Cindy Hagen 2016
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