Yevgeni Teterin

    February 22, 1905
    March 19, 1987
    Moscow, Russian Empire [now Russia]
    Screen Presence

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You are My Delight, My Torment 1984
Необыкновенное лето 1979
Сержант милиции 1975
Flight Is Postponed granddad 1974
Yegor Bulychyov and Others Doctor 1973
Вчера, сегодня и всегда Иван Никитич Шеин 1972
Sveaborg 1972
Anna's Happiness Anna's Father 1971
The Guardian Кирилл Иванович 1970
Ищите и найдете «Slon» 1970
The Adjutant of His Excellency Старцев 1970
A Tale of a Chekist chief engineer of the ship repair plant 1969
The Brothers Karamazov father Iosif 1969
My Father Is a Captain 1969
И никто другой Evgeniy Teterin 1968
No Password Necessary 1967
Such a Big Boy Ivan Fomich (as Ye. Teterin) 1967
Major 'Whirlwind' Agent Sedoy 1967
The Grey Illness 1966
The Tunnel colonel 1966
There Is Such a Lad 1966
Музыканты одного полка 1965
On Tomorrow's Street 1965
Возвращённая музыка 1965
Executed at the Dawn Dal, senator (as Ye. Teterin) 1965
Null kolm 1965
Summer is Short in the Mountains Ivan Semyonovich Spiridonov 1964
The Man Who Doubts 1963
There Will Be No Silence 1963
After the Wedding Vitaliy Fadeyevich Chernyshyov 1963
Confession Благов 1962
Nine Days of One Year Surgeon 1962
My Friend, Kolka! Fyodor Fyodorovich 1961
Clouds Over Borsk Artemiy Nikolayevich 1961
Probation 1960
Midshipman Panin 1960
The Rescued Generation doctor 1960
Ballad of a Soldier The Lieutenant, 'A Terrible Beast' 1959
Муму Khariton 1959
Lullaby Mikhail Yakovlevich 1959
Fate of a Man Writer 1959
Knock on Any Door 1958
Youth Street жилец 1958
The Purpose of His Life 1958
To the Black Sea 1957
Urok istorii Max, undergrounder 1957
An Unusual Summer 1957
The Girl and the Crocodile 1956
Soldiers 1956
Первые радости 1956
Case No. 306 Евгений Голиков 1956
The Immortal Garrison 1956
Othello Brabantio 1955
The Lesson of Life 1955
The Grasshopper Dr. Fedor Lukich Korostylev 1955
The Star German General (uncredited) 1949
The Young Guard The Nazi Lieutenant 1948
The Artamonov Case 1941
Адъютант его превосходительства Старцев <mt>
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