Violeta Bahchevanova

    March 22, 1935
Sofia, Bulgaria
Screen Presence

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Violeta Bahchevanova is a Bulgarian actress, born on March 22, 1935 in Sofia, Bulgaria. The family of Violeta Bahchevanova and maternal and paternal line is impressive. One of her great-grandfather was a member of the revolutionary committee. Interesting personality was the father of Violeta. He had a degree in economics, but more fond of music. He played the guitar and flute, sang very nice - bass in the choir "Gusla" where singing alongside Boris Hristov. Along with their father Violetta and her older sister Mariana too carried away by the music. Violeta graduated from the National Academy for Theatre and Film Art, Sofia, Bulgaria in 1959 with a degree in "acting" in the class of Professor Filip Filipov . Then she began to play in the Burgas Drama Theater "Adriana Budevska" and later in the National Theatre "Ivan Vazov" . The debut of Violeta was the role of Maria Desislava in "Shishman". With this play Violeta set a record - she played the role for seven years and had 450 performances. Not accidentally, her elder daughter is named Desislava. Violeta played in "Shishman" even being six months pregnant. After a time, she gave birth to her second daughter - Biljana. Violeta is married to Vasil Stoychev , who is also an actor. Their two daughters and Biljana's husband - Atanas Atanasov also are involved in theatre.

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