Salah Qabil

    June 27, 1937
    December 3, 1992
    Screen Presence

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What the Heart Wants 1996
Donia Abdul Gabbar 1992
The dancer and the jailer 1992
Dilapidated Woman Mohamed Mujahid - Ahlam’s defense lawyer 1992
The accused Tarek 1992
Darb al-Bahlawan 1992
Highly Dangerous Man Mustafa Abu Al-Ezz 1991
المفسدون 1991
Dehk we Le'b we Mazzika 1991
زوجة محرمة 1991
Samiha Badran's Case Abbas 1990
El-Aqraab Maher 1990
جواز عرفي 1990
The Dancer & the Politician Khaled Madkour 1990
Al-Erhab 1989
We're All Thieves, My Dear Abdullah Bahns 1989
Snakes Passion 1988
Hero of Paper 1988
Nahr Al-Khawf العقيد فاروق 1988
Assassination of a school teacher 1988
نواعم عزيز الخضري 1988
Ossfour Laho Anyab 1987
The iron lady 1987
Eimra mutlaqa 1986
Wadaan Ya Walady 1986
The Innocent Rashad 1986
Al-Harafish 1986
The Minister is coming the minister 1986
El Madbah 1985
The Nobody 1985
شهد الملكة وح الغراب فتوة الحارة 1985
13 lies inspector 1977
The Circle of Revenge Fouad Saqr 1976
الحياة نغم 1976
The Divorcées Mahmoud 1975
La Shay'a Yuhem 1975
The Sparrow Youssef Fathallah 1974
Al Shaytan wal Kharif 1972
Dhiaab ealaa altariq 1972
El Ghufran 1971
رجل في المصيدة 1971
We Do Not Sow The Thistle Abbas Boraie 1970
The People Inside 1969
The intruder saber mubark 1967
Mansion of Longing Fahmi Abdel Jawad 1966
Harib min Al-Ayyam Fakhri Habib Doria 1965
The Mountain 1965
Heya Wil Regal Abdel Moneim Abdel Qader 1965
Between Two Mansions Fahmy Abdel-Gawad 1964
Alley of The Pestle Abbas Al-Helou 1963
عودة الروح 1963
Alqahera Walnas <blank> <mt>
Conscience of Teacher Hekmat <blank> <mt>
Bakiza and Zaghloul <blank> <mt>
Tears on Bold Eyes Rayys Zakaria <mt>
Bwabet Elhalwani <blank> <mt>
مغامرات زكية هانم <blank> <mt>
Al Helmeya Nights Allam El-Samahy <mt>
Love and other things <blank> <mt>
نادية صبري <mt>
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