Aleksei Gribov

    January 18, 1902
    November 26, 1977
    Москва, СССР (Россия)
    Screen Presence

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The Humpbacked Horse Tzar (voice) 1975
Рогатый бастион 1975
Rejuvenating Apples Воитель 1974
Соло для часов с боем Reiner 1974
The Village of Stepanchikovo and Its Inhabitants Фома Опискин 1973
In the World of the Fables Voice Acting 1973
За всё в ответе 1973
День за днем Юрий Серёгин 1971
Крушение империи Aleksandr Filippovich - general zhandarm 1971
Поженились старик со старухой Фёдор Фёдорович 1971
Любовь Яровая Kutov 1970
Если есть паруса 1970
In a Country of Undone Homework His Majesty The Verb Imperative (voice) 1969
Virinea следователь 1969
The Return from Olympus (voice) 1969
The Snow Maiden Narrator 1969
Zigzag of Success Polotentsev 1968
Badgers 1968
Песенка мышонка The Beaver (voice) / бобёр 1967
The Tale of the Golden Rooster Tsar Dodon (voice) 1967
The Chief of Chukotka Timothy Khramov 1966
Road to the Sea Dorofeyev 1966
Woodprint 1966
The Teacher of Literature 1965
A Tale of Don 1964
What is the Theory of Relativity? 1964
Blind Bird 1963
The First Trolleybus Building area's store keeper 1963
Kak rozhdayutsya tosty 1963
The Monster Cockroach Hippopotamus (voice) / гиппопотам 1963
Seven Babysitters Lena's Grandfather 1962
Dve skazki медведь Михал Иванович (voice) 1962
Adult Children Anatoli Kuzmich Korolyov 1961
Striped Trip Kapitan 1961
The Blind Musician Fyodor Kandyba 1961
Dead Souls 1960
Alyosha's Love Zinka's grandfather 1960
A Sleepless Night Batavin 1960
Proizvedenie iskusstva Шашкин, актёр 1960
People on the Bridge Head of railway construction 1960
Военная тайна 1959
The Birthday Party Старик 1959
The Variegateds Case Волохов А.Н 1958
Gutta-Percha Boy Edwards 1957
The Twelve Months January (voice) 1956
Son Kondratyev 1955
The Snow Postman 1955
The Safety Match Magistrate Nikolai Yermolayevich Chudikov 1954
The Anna Cross Ivan Ivanovich 1954
True Friends Nekhoda 1954
Mysterious Find Nikanor Sarvanov 1953
The Lower Depths 1952
Kashtanka 1952
Sporting Honour Pyotr Semenovich Grinko 1951
The Miners of Donetsk 1951
The Night Before Christmas Narrator (voice) 1951
The Horsemen Konstantin Sergeyevich Voronov 1950
Secret Mission 1950
The Fall of Berlin Party official 1950
The Vow Kliment Voroshilov 1946
Guilty Without Guilt Shmaga 1945
Wedding отец 1944
Duel комиссар госбезопасности 1944
The First Cavalry Ataman Kotsura 1941
Man in a Shell Афанасий (слуга Беликова) 1939
Soldiers of the Swamp 1938
Hectic Days 1935
День за днём Юрий Серёгин <mt>
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