Renan Távora Soares

    July 10, 1998
Belo Horizonte, Brazil
Screen Presence

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Renan Távora Soares has a degree in Cinema and Audiovisual from Centro Universitário Una. Partner-producer of Gangorra Filmes which has 3 short films made, 2 feature films, 1 short film and 1 video clip in development. Director and Director of Photography in several university and independent works. He was Director of Photography for the short films: Arteiro (2018) by Bruno Carvalho who was selected for the 22nd Tiradentes Cinema Exhibition; Abduction (2020) by Marcelo Lin who was the film included in the BDMG public notice in support of the low budget short film of 2018; O Resto (N / L) by Pedro Ribeiro; Colleagues of Nightmare (2020) by Letícia Blandina and Levante de um Golpe (2020) by Gabrielly Bertolino and Renan Távora Soares these last two produced by Gangorra Filmes; Are Your Eyes (2021) by Manoel Rocha in addition to the clips Calma by Banda Daparte and the clip Falei Demais from the partnership between SEST, ClaraXSofia and Marcelo Tofani. In the Direction, he made the shorts Interchangeable (2019), winner of the award for Best Minas Gerais Film of the 4th Cinema Show of Fame and Raising of a Blow (2020) that won the award for Best Supporting Actress for Rejane Faria at the V Cine Tamoio Film Festival.

Hello, Who's There? Man 2020
Impressões do Brasil Self 1987
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