Boris Andreyev

    February 9, 1915
    April 24, 1982
    Saratov, Russian Empire
    Screen Presence

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A Great Life 2019
Сергей Иванович уходит на пенсию 1981
Profession: Film Actor 1980
Soft-Boiled Boots Vasiliy Ivanovich Blistanov 1978
Первый рейс 1977
Мое дело 1976
На край света... Dezhurnyi po pereezdu 1976
Assigned As A Granddaughter Ded Timofey 1975
Абитуриентка Petro 1974
Дети Ванюшина Александр Егорович Ванюшин 1974
Rejuvenating Apples Papa / Otets 1974
The Bag Of Apples Medved / Voice 1974
Treasure Island Dzhon Silver 1971
Night Call Lavrentiy Kvashnin 1970
The Name Day 1968
Aladdin and His Magic Lamp 1967
На диком бреге 1967
Southern Cross is Above Us Pavel Fedoseyenko 1965
Мелодии Дунаевского 1963
The Road to Berth Botsman Rassamakha 1962
Chronicle of Flaming Years 1961
Foma Gordeyev Званцев 1959
Cruelty 1959
Poem of the Sea Savva Zarudnyy 1958
Old Friends 1956
The Sword and the Dragon Ilya Muromets 1956
An Unusual Match 1955
Marina's Destiny 1954
Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka 1953
Maximka Moryak Luchkin 1952
The Unforgettable Year 1919 1951
Cossacks of the Kuban Fedya Grusha 1950
The Fall of Berlin Aleksey Ivanov 1950
Meeting on the Elbe Sergant Egorkin 1949
White Darkness Dugin 1948
Polcan and Shavka Polkan (voice) 1948
Tale of the Siberian Land Yakov Zakharonovich Burmak 1947
A Great Life, Part 2 Khariton Balun 1946
Dark Is the Night 1945
The Golden Road Epifantsev 1945
Malakhov Kurgan 1944
Я - черноморец Stepan Polosukhin 1944
Two Soldiers Sasha 1943
Road to the Stars 1943
Teacher Kartashova 1943
How the Steel Was Tempered 1942
Son of Tajikistan Ivan 1942
Young Partisans 1942
Bogdan Khmelnitskiy Kossak Dobnya 1941
Wings of Victory 1941
Tractor Drivers Nazar Duma 1939
Fighters 1939
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