Abdel Moneim Basyouni

    February 3, 1923
    June 28, 1975
    Screen Presence

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Al-Karnak مسؤول منظمة الشباب 1975
The Lady and the Wolves 1975
Shaeban hadhih al ayaam Abd Elsatar 1975
The Downtown Apartment 1975
Forbidden at the Wedding Night Waiter 1975
The Beauty and The Scoundrel حسنين 1974
Al Sokkareya Hammad 1973
My Wife & the Dog Abbas 1971
Then the sun rises 1971
My Dear Daughter 1971
My Sister 1971
End of the devils 1970
The Three Madmen neighbor 1970
Eye of life Basyouni 1970
Mama's Secretary police officer 1969
Girls' Secrets Mona's stepfather 1969
Marriage for Half an Hour 1969
7 Days in Heaven ابراهيم مصطفى 1969
An Ordinary Girl 1968
Mansion of Longing Halil Efendi - Aisha's husband 1966
Khan El-Khalili 1966
Please, kill me 1965
The Final Message 1964
The Student 1961
A Man in Our House Hammam Bey's office manager 1961
Dearest Beloved موظف الشركة 1961
A Day of My Life صحفي 1961
El safira Aziza مدرس 1961
The Seven Daughters موظف بالشركة 1961
Mal wa Nisaa مندوب شركة التوردات 1960
Kholkhal habibi 1960
Hub Hataa Aleibada 1960
My Wife's Suitor ضابط 1959
Rendezvous with a Stranger detective 1959
The Love Street 1958
Return My Heart 1957
The Thug Pasha's secretary 1957
The General Inspector 1956
Miracle from heaven Hassan 1956
Appointment with Love 1956
The Leech Police officer 1956
Days and Nights 1955
Fortune is a Promise 1955
Life or Death pharmacist assistant 1954
The Thugs of El-Husseiniya 1954
Abo El-Dahab ضابط شرطة 1954
Al-Mal W'al-Banun 1954
Aisha 1953
Faeil Khayr Manager of the Teatro 1953
السر في بير فرد عصابه 1953
Immortal Song Talaat 1952
Don't Tell Anybody 1952
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