Noureddine Brahimi

    (none listed)
Algiers, Algeria
Screen Presence

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Noureddine Brahimi (نور الدين براهيمي) is an Algerian production director and actor. He began his film career in the film "The Battle of Algiers" in 1966 as production director in the company Casbah Film created for the occasion by Yacef Saâdi, co-producer of the film. One of the roles did not appear on the day of filming a wedding scene in the Casbah, he replaced it at short notice in the role of an FLN administrator responsible for recording the marriage. The role of the newlywed is played by his brother Abderrahmane Brahimi. In 1957, in Algeria, the people, supported by the FLN, revolted against the French occupiers. On both sides, extreme methods are used: torture by the French army and terrorism by the Algerians revolting against the power in place. The war will spare no one. In the Casbah district of Algiers, a former delinquent, Ali La Pointe, refuses to stop the fight, even when the situation seems desperate. For his part, Colonel Mathieu tries as best he can to carry out his mission, even if it means using drastic means... The film was nominated 3 times for the Oscars and was awarded the Golden Lion at the Mostra de Venice 1966.

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