Pamela Devis

    April 2, 1926
    April 3, 2004
    Yeovil, Somerset, England, UK
    Screen Presence

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British actress, dancer and choreographer. Pamela Devis was born in 1926 (or 1928 according to her obituary) in Yeovil, Somerset, England as Pamela Jean Devis. She began her career as an actress and dancer in the West End. She appeared in two films in 1949, "Trottie True" and "The Perfect Woman". She was cast as the robot in the film "Perfect Woman" because of her resemblance to actress Patricia Roc. In 1950 she was in the West End in Noel Coward's musical "Ace of Clubs". In 1952, she had a featured role in the film "Ivanhoe" and also appeared in the movies "Playgirl After Dark" (1960) and "The Sicilians" (1964). Pamela Devis was for many years celebrated as one of Britain’s leading choreographers for stage, cabaret, television and film. Her Pamela Devis Dancers featured for years in the glittering company at the London Palladium. Devis's long career in show business saw her working with stars such as Cliff Richard, Jack Jones, Morecombe and Wise, Tommy Steele and Tom Jones. She was married to Philip Casson. She died on April 3, 2004 in Weybridge, Surrey, England.

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