Rimma Markova

    March 3, 1925
    January 15, 2015
    Screen Presence

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Novogodniy Detektiv 2010
Burnt by the Sun 2: Exodus Nurse 2010
Operation Righteous 2009
Veronica will not come 2008
The Best Movie мамка проституток 2008
Ada's Family 2007
The Three and the Snowflake 2007
Shawls 2007
Day Watch Witch Darya 2006
Night Watch Daria 2004
A Savage Anna Stepanovna Ashmetyeva 2002
The Outskirts Panka's mother 1998
Prince Yuri Dolgoruky 1998
At the Dawn of Our Youthful Years Aunt Lena 1997
Старые песни о главном 2 1997
The Falling Vera Fyodorovna 1993
Arbiter 1992
Russian Roulette 1990
Homo Novus 1990
Fools Die on Fridays 1990
Swindlers Матрёна 1990
Lingonberries in the Forest Marina Ignatievna 1989
Souvenir for the Prosecutor Anna Semyonovna Zubtsova 1989
Evil Spirit 1989
Старая азбука 1987
We Are Cheerful, Happy, Talented! 1986
The Last Road 1986
Every Hunter Wants To Know 1985
Идущий следом 1985
Тётя Маруся 1985
Good Intentions 1984
The Precipice Tatyana Markovna Berezhkova 1984
The Pokrovsky Gates 1983
Mirgorod and Its Inhabitants Vasilisa Kashporovna 1983
Limit of Desire 1982
С кошки всё и началось соседка Славика 1982
Придут страсти-мордасти 1982
Take Care of the Men! Vladimir's Mother 1982
Kin 1981
Uncle's Dream 1981
The Hat Denisov's mother 1981
While the Dream is Mad 1978
Lyubasha Сергеевна 1978
And We Had Silence... Klavdiya Barabanova 1977
A Sweet Woman Anna's mother 1976
Ещё не вечер 1975
Starling and Lyre Mrs. Leben 1974
Nylon 100% 1973
Yegor Bulychyov and Others Melaniya 1973
The Siberian Woman Безверхая 1973
Believe It or Not Mariya Ivanovna 1971
A Little Crane Avdotya 1969
Women Kingdom Nadezhda Petrovna 1967
Wings Shura 1966
The Alive and the Dead 1963
Next to us 1957
Naval Cadets, Charge! matushka Leonidiya <mt>
The Life and Adventures of Mishka Yaponchik (Once in Odessa) <blank> <mt>
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