Grace Morrison

    (none listed)
Palo Alto, California, USA
Screen Presence

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Bio by her website. Grace Morrison is a professional actor and teaching artist based in Los Angeles. A Palo Alto, CA native, Grace received her BA in Theater Studies from UC Santa Barbara, and her MFA in Acting from UC Irvine. She has appeared on the regional stage as some of Shakespeare's greatest heroines, such as Viola in Twelfth Night at Pioneer Theater Company and Kate in The Taming of the Shrew at New Swan Shakespeare Festival (See more under Resume tab). Grace is an award-winning film actress, having won Best Actress at both the Hollywood International Golden Age Film Festival and Dallas Movie Awards, and will star in a film debuting this January at Sundance Film Festival (More under Updates tab). Grace has experience teaching the craft of acting and its related conservatory disciplines at institutions such as AMDA Conservatory College, Orange Coast College, San Bernardino Valley College, California School of the Arts - San Gabriel Valley, and New York Film Academy. ​Aside from her institutional teaching experience, she often teaches yoga for teens at a youth rehabilitation facility. When not acting or teaching, Grace loves to cook, hike, and watch bad reality TV with her pug/poodle mix, Louie.

While Mortals Sleep Abby 2022
Messy. Andie 2021
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