Raymond Rouleau

    June 14, 1904
    December 1, 1981
    Bruxelles, Belgium
    Screen Presence

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Raymond Rouleau (4 June 1904 – 11 December 1981) was a Belgian actor and film director. He appeared in more than 40 films between 1928 and 1979. He also directed 22 films between 1932 and 1981. Rouleau studied at the Royal Conservatory of Brussels, where he met Tania Balachova. They emigrated to Paris together and collaborated with a variety of directors at the cutting edge of French theatre, including Charles Dullin and Gaston Baty. They married in France and separated in 1940. He subsequently married the actress Françoise Lugagne. Source: Article "Raymond Rouleau" from Wikipedia in English, licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0.

Two Hours to Kill De Rock 1966
The Big Scare 1964
The Coin Williams 1959
The Witches of Salem Governor Danforth 1957
Une fille épatante Jacques Mareuil 1955
Saint-Tropez, devoirs de vacances Self 1954
The Scheming Women Paul Rémi, le directeur du théâtre 1954
Dr. Schweitzer Le commandant Lieuvin 1952
Full House L'inspecteur Wenceslas Vorobeïtchik dit Wens 1952
Massacre in Lace Georges Masse 1952
My Wife Is Formidable Lui-même recevant une gifle de Sylvia 1951
Nocturnal Uproar Commissioner Legrand 1951
Beware of Blondes Georges Masse 1950
Les femmes sont folles Claude Barrois 1950
Mission in Tangier Georges Masse, journaliste et agent secret "Le Connétable" 1949
L'inconnu d'un soir 1949
Just a Big Simple Girl Simon 1948
Adventure Starts Tomorrow Claude Larget 1948
Vertiges Dr. Jean Favier 1947
Last Refuge Philippe 1947
The Ideal Couple Diavolo / Henri 1946
Paris Frills Philippe Clarence 1945
Secret Documents Radlo 1945
L'aventure est au coin de la rue Pierre Trévoux 1944
The Secret of Madame Clapain 1943
Monsieur des Lourdines Anthime des Lourdines 1943
The Honorable Catherine Jacques Tavère 1943
The Trump Card Clarence 1942
The Woman I Loved the Most Claude Ferval, dramatic author 1942
Miss Bonaparte Philippe de Vaudrey 1942
Who Killed Santa Claus? Baron Roland de la Faille 1941
Premier bal Jean de Lormel 1941
The Duel Dr. Henri Maurey 1941
Gunshot Lieutenant Stanislas de Glombinski 1939
Conflit Michel Lafont 1938
The Shanghai Drama Franchon 1938
The Lafarge Case Maître Lachaud 1938
Le coeur dispose Robert Levaltier 1937
Happy Days Boris 1935
Vers l'abîme Rist 1934
Volga in Flames Schalin 1934
Une vie perdue Paul Dréhant 1933
Le jugement de minuit Inspector Berry 1933
Suzanne Crétay 1932
The Naked Woman Pierre Bernier 1932
Romance on the Beach Man 1931
L'Argent 1928
Discorama Self <mt>
Cinépanorama Self <mt>
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