Boris Chirkov

    July 31, 1901
    May 28, 1982
    Lozovaya-Pavlovka, Slavyanoserbsk uyezd, Yekaterinoslav Governorate, Russian Empire [now Brianka, Luhansk Oblast, Ukraine]
    Screen Presence

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Little Filip текст читает 1982
The Strogovs Yegor 1976
Townspeople 1976
TsOKS in Alma-Ata 1974
There Were Three Bachelors 1973
По собственному желанию 1973
Our Friend Maxim himself 1973
Izhora Battalion 1972
Шутите? 1971
Bonivur's Heart Storozhenkov 1969
Seven Old Men and One Girl Владимир Николаевич Яковлев («старик») 1968
Li-ittle! 1968
Rebellious Outpost 1967
First Visitor dyadya Fedya 1966
An Extraordinary Assignment Police spy 1966
Музыканты одного полка 1965
We Are Taking All The Fire Gabriel Tikhonovich Zinakov 1965
The Blue Cup 1964
The Island of Miracles 1964
Cain the XVIII-th Lavatory Worker 1963
The Alive and the Dead Biryukov 1963
Short Stories 1963
A Sinful Angel 1963
A Trip Without a Load granddad at the airfield 1963
Horizon Likhobaba 1962
Наследники Яков Петрович Середа 1960
Мечты сбываются 1960
The Lost Photography 1960
Kiev Resident Яков Петрович Середа 1958
My Dear Fellow Zhilin 1958
For the Power of the Soviets 1956
People of Dimitrovgrad Sobolev 1956
Miraculous Well tekst ot avtora 1956
Сказка о попе и о работнике его Балде 1956
The Frog Princess Tsar (voice) 1954
True Friends Chishov 1954
The Parasite 1953
Kashtanka 1952
Dream of a Cossack Kondratyev 1951
The Tale of the Fisherman and the Goldfish старик 1950
A Wonder Mill старик (voice) 1950
Tri vstrechi Nikanor Samoseev 1949
Sud chesti 1949
The Great Glinka Mikhail Ivanovich Glinka 1946
Ivan Nikulin: Russian Sailor Zakhar Fomichyov 1944
1812 Lavilov 1943
Guerrillas in the steppes of Ukraine 1943
Фронт начальник разведки фронта Удивительный 1943
Aleksandr Parkhomenko Makhno 1942
Antosha Rybkin 1941
Collection of Films for the Armed #3 1941
Боевой киносборник №1 Максим (ведущий сборника) 1941
The New Teacher Stepan Ivanovich Lautin 1939
Minin and Pozharsky Roman 1939
The Vyborg Side Maksim 1939
Great Citizen Maksim, the investigator 1938
The Defense of Volotchayevsk хитрый старик 1938
The Man with the Gun Evtushenko 1938
The Return of Maxim Maksim 1937
Helen and Grapes 1936
The Girlfriends Senka 1936
The Youth of Maxim Maksim 1935
Chapayev Peasant 1934
Alone Man Talking on the Phone 1931
My Son 1928
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