Ivan Havryliuk

    October 15, 1948
Lviv region, USSR (Ukraine)
Screen Presence

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Babylon XX Klym Synytsia 2021
A Farewell To Cinema (self) 1995
Four sheets of plywood 1992
Carpathian Gold Vladimir Krapivich 1991
Tales about Ivan Ivan Kalyta 1991
The Black Valley Ivan Sirko 1990
Ivan Mykolaichuk. Trizna (self) 1989
Scheherazade's Last Night vizier Jaffar 1988
Scheherazade's New Tales Wesir Dschaffar 1987
Prince Danylo Halytskyi Vasilko of Volhynia 1987
While there is time Petro 1987
The Return of Butterfly 1985
For It's Weight in Gold 1984
The Legend of Princess Olga Rus 1984
Warmth of the Chilly Earth Иван Подбелов 1984
Требуются мужчины 1983
Klymko 1983
Who was loved by all The interviewer 1982
Сто радостей, или Книга великих открытий 1982
Школа 1980
Exercise with Three Unknowns Rabotnik militsii 1979
He Foretells Victory 1979
Choď a nelúč sa 1979
Atonement for Others' Sins Bogdan Chichura 1979
Bagryanye berega 1979
I Want to See You 1978
Rhythms of 'Teatralny' cameo 1978
Poem of Kovpak: Carpathians, Carpathians... Lenkin 1978
Gregory, Don't Go to the Village Dances Hryts 1978
One-Two, Soldiers Were Going... сержант Сайко 1976
Все улики против него Dumitru Movilyanu, zhenikh, shofor, obvinyayemyy 1975
Housewarming 1974
Это сильнее меня Makar Istomin 1974
The Bronze Bird count Karagaev 1974
После ярмарки Yakim 1973
Идущие за горизонт 1972
Zakhar Berkut Maxim 1972
The Commissars 1971
Early on Sunday, I dug a potion 1971
I'm Coming to You... Mykhailo Dragomanov 1970
Bread and Salt Leo 1970
Annychka Ivanko 1969
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