Akira Tani

    September 28, 1885
    August 11, 1966
    Fukuoka, Japan
    Screen Presence

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True Osaka Grit 1965
Beast Alley 1965
Kwaidan Huntsman #2 (segment "Hoichi the Earless") (uncredited) 1965
The Scarlet Camellia 1964
Whirlwind 1964
Mothra vs. Godzilla Village Leader 1964
The Irresponsible Fool 1964
Blind Wolf 1963
My Hobo 1962
The King 1962
47 Ronin 1962
Our Failures 1962
Ōwarai Jiro chō ikka: Sanshita nitei kenjū 1962
Doburoku no Tatsu Shopowner 1962
The Wiser Age 1962
Yojimbo Kame 1961
Daredevil in the Castle Rice-Shop Owner 1961
社長野郎ども 1960
Life of a Country Doctor 1960
When a Woman Ascends the Stairs Real Estate Agent 1960
Hanayome-san wa sekai-ichi Yoshida 1959
The Three Treasures 1959
Desperado Outpost 1959
Saga of the Vagabonds 1959
The Beast Shall Die Apartment superintendent 1959
Samurai Saga (uncredited) 1959
The Human Condition I: No Greater Love (uncredited) 1959
The Hidden Fortress Soldier (uncredited) 1958
Yajikita dōchū sugoroku 1958
Half Human: The Story of the Abominable Snowman 1958
The Hotelman's Holiday 1958
Zokuzoku Ôban: Dotô hen Ushiji 1957
The Living Koheiji Innkeeper 1957
Zoku Ôban: Fûun hen 1957
Untamed Woman Sakutaro 1957
Snow Country 1957
Yagyu Secret Scrolls 1957
Ôban Ushikichi, Ushinosule's father 1957
Throne of Blood Washizu soldier 1957
The Storm 1956
Shozo, a Cat and Two Women 1956
The Legend of the White Serpent Oil salesman 1956
I Live in Fear Chunky Jailbird 1955
Marital Relations 1955
The Lone Journey 1955
Half Human Chubby Thug 1955
Floating Clouds 1955
A Gang of Five Kyusuke 1955
Lovetide Rokuzo 1955
Late Chrysanthemums 1954
Seven Samurai Bandit 1954
Farewell Rabaul 1954
Jirocho's New Year 1954
Red-Light Bases 1953
Omatsuri hanjiro 1953
Youth of Heiji Senigata 1953
Traveling with Breeze 1953
Wife Kito 1953
Mr. Pu 1953
Yasugorō shusse 1953
Husband and Wife 1953
The Man Who Came to Port (uncredited) 1952
Ikiru Bar Owner 1952
Story of Lightning 1951
Pirates 1951
Jakoman and Tetsu 1949
Drunken Angel Yakuza Follower 1948
Ultra Q Villager <mt>
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