Helen Gardner

    September 2, 1884
    November 20, 1968
    Binghamton, New York, USA
    Screen Presence

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Not only was Helen Gardner the first American film actress to form her own production company, she was also the among the first filmmakers to embrace making features, and was the first vamp on screen.

Sandra La Flamme's wife 1924
The Sleep of Cyma Roget Cymba Roget 1920
The Common Sin 1917
Miss Jekyll and Madame Hyde Madeleine Jekyll / Madame Hyde 1915
The Breath of Araby Clothilde 1915
Snatched from a Burning Death Joan Le Grande 1915
The Still, Small Voice Musa 1915
Underneath the Paint Tryphena Winter 1914
The Moonshine Maid and the Man Nancy - the Moonshine Maid 1914
The Butterfly Nancy North - the Butterfly 1914
A Princess of Bagdad Princess Ojira 1913
A Sister to Carmen Margo 1913
Vampire of the Desert Lispeth, Vampire of the Desert 1913
Eureka! The Castaway 1913
The Wife of Cain Save - the Wife of Cain 1913
Alixe; or, the Test of Friendship Alixe 1913
Becky, Becky Becky 1913
Cleopatra Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt 1912
The Party Dress Lydia Borne 1912
The Heart of Esmeralda Louise Lennox - a Novelist 1912
The Miracle Abbasah, the Caliph's Wife 1912
Yellow Bird Song Bird, a Young Indian 1912
An Innocent Theft Malcolm's Mother 1912
The Serpents Linda 1912
The Illumination Sabina 1912
The Old Silver Watch 1912
The Love of John Ruskin Mrs. John Ruskin 1912
Her Boy Sue - Harry's Sweetheart 1912
A Problem in Reduction Mrs. Smartly - a Woman Who Wants to Reduce 1912
Where the Money Went Mrs. Fred Hart - the Jealous Wife 1912
A Reformed Santa Claus The Widow 1911
The Freshet Meg Matthews 1911
The Girl and the Sheriff The Mountain Girl 1911
An Aeroplane Elopement 1911
Arbutus The Mountain Woman Who Becomes a Celebrated Singer 1911
Madge of the Mountains Madge of the Mountains 1911
Regeneration Elfie - Ross's Sweetheart 1911
Ups and Downs The Young Wife 1911
By Woman's Wit The Wife 1911
For Love and Glory Rose Seaton 1911
The Death of King Edward III Alice Ferrers 1911
She Came, She Saw, She Conquered Rose Leigh - a Young Schoolteacher 1911
Treasure Trove 1911
The Lure of Vanity Edna White 1911
A Quaker Mother Lois Pearson Harmon - A Quaker Wife 1911
Barriers Burned Away John's Wife 1911
The Sleep Walker Lucy Langham 1911
For Her Brother's Sake Bessie Black - The Sister 1911
The Show Girl Audrey, an Actress 1911
The Wooing of Winifred Winifred 1911
The Inherited Taint The Nurse 1911
A Tale of Two Cities 1911
Vanity Fair Becky Sharp 1911
How She Won Him Muriel Hanson 1910
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