Pyotr Savin

    February 1, 1906
    April 8, 1981
    Moscow, Russian Empire
    Screen Presence

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Talents and Admirers 1973
If You Are a Man section foreman 1972
The Master of Taiga chairman of the village council 1969
Seven Old Men and One Girl начальник Анисова 1968
War and Peace Timokhin 1968
Пока гром не грянет 1968
War and Peace, Part III: The Year 1812 Timokhin 1967
Wild Honey Zubchenko 1967
The Conspiracy of Ambassadors 1966
War and Peace, Part I: Andrei Bolkonsky Timokhin 1966
The Stars of the Day 1966
What Taiga Was Silent About 1965
Sorcerer Island Pyotr Mikhaylovich 1965
Unbidden Love 1965
Through The Graveyard 1964
The First Trolleybus Militiaman 1963
Little Bugger 1961
Yevdokiya host of the meeting 1961
Chudotvornaya 1960
Contemporary of the Century Butyagin 1960
Russkiy Suvenir hunter's brigadier 1960
Ballad of a Soldier The Soldier in Trench (uncredited) 1959
Fate of a Man Pyotr, friend Andrei Sokolov 1959
В нашем городе 1959
Knock on Any Door 1958
Girl without an Address police lieutenant 1958
Girl without an Address Leutenant 1958
The Purpose of His Life 1958
To the Black Sea 1957
Shtorm Stepan Balashov 1957
Sestry Фёдор 1957
Sea is Calling 1956
Life in Bloom member of the revkom (uncredited) 1949
The Tale of the "Neistoviy" 1947
Son of Tajikistan Fighter 1942
В тылу врага 1941
Timur and His Team Georgy 1940
Spring flow Kostya Umantsev 1940
Our Cinema (archive footage) 1940
A Night in September Sliva 1939
A Commandant of Birds Island 1939
Tractor Drivers Tankist, drug Klima 1939
Wish upon a Pike Yemelya 1938
Accidental Meeting Pyotr Ivanovich 1936
Gypsies Senka 1936
Accordion 1934
The Nice Life 1932
Wings 1932
Разгром 1931
Chyornyy parus 1929
Lace 1928
Cross and Mauser 1925
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