Boris Tenin

    March 23, 1905
    September 8, 1990
    Kuznetsk, Penzenskaya guberniya, Russian Empire
    Screen Presence

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In the years 1937-1946 - artist of the Leningrad Comedy Theater. Since 1946 - actor of the Studio Theater of the film actor in Moscow. In the years 1955-1962 - actor of the Moscow Theater of Satire. Since 1962 - actor of the Moscow Drama Theater on Malaya Bronnaya. Since 1974 - actor of the Academic Theater named after Vladimir Mayakovsky. In 1933, he taught clowning at the Moscow Circus College, in 1935 he acted as a clown in the arena of the Moscow Circus. Honored Artist of the RSFSR (03/11/1939). People's Artist of the Tajik SSR (05.01.1944) (from 1941 to 1944, the troupe of the Leningrad Comedy Theater worked in evacuation in Tajikistan). People's Artist of the RSFSR (03/06/1950). People's Artist of the USSR (10/22/1981). Boris Mikhailovich was married to actresses Olga Ivanova (first wife of Grigory Alexandrov) and Lydia Sukharevskaya. Boris Tenin suddenly died in Moscow on September 8, 1990, one second from a cardiac arrest. He was buried at the Vagankovsky cemetery. The actor died a year before the collapse of the Soviet Union, and in October 1991 his wife, Lydia Sukharevskaya, passed away.

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