Poul Bundgaard

    October 27, 1922
    June 3, 1998
    Hellerup, Denmark
    Screen Presence

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Poul Arne Bundgaard was a Danishactor and singer. He is probably best known for his role as the henpecked Kjeld in the Olsen Banden films. In addition to having appeared in a large number of Danish films, Bundgaard starred in a number of operettas in the late 1940s until the 1950s, and worked at the Royal Danish Theatre as a singer between 1958 and 1973; however, he focused mostly on acting later on in his career, partly due to stage fright. He died during the shooting of Olsen Bandens sidste stik and Tommy Kenter was used as stand-in for some of the scenes while Kurt Ravn did his voice.

The Olsen Gang: Forever! Kjeld Jensen 2018
Historien om Olsen Banden 2015
The Olsen Gang's Last Trick Kjeld Jensen 1998
Casanova 1990
Manden der ville være skyldig Psykiater 1990
Elvis Hansen, en samfundshjælper Alex von Porter 1988
The Fight For The Red Cow 1987
Walter and Carlo - Up on Daddy's Hat Ateza 1985
Life Is a Good Reason Karl 1985
In the Middle of the Night 1984
Med Lill-Klas i kappsäcken Utroparen 1983
Bicycle Symphony 1983
Felix Hovard Hansen, pensionist 1982
Afbrudt møde Ebbe Lund Nielsen 1982
The Parallel Corpses Bedemand 1982
The Olsen Gang Long Gone Kjeld Jensen 1981
The Olsen Gang Jumps the Fence Kjeld Jensen 1981
Undskyld vi er her Multi-Max, direktør 1980
The Olsen Gang Never Surrenders Kjeld Jensen 1979
The Olsen Gang Goes to War Kjeld Jensen 1978
In My Life Kirstens far 1978
Agent 69 Jensen in the Sign of Sagittarius The Boss 1978
Vandalism 1977
The Olsen Gang Outta Sight Kjeld Jensen 1977
Agent 69 in the Sign of Scorpio The Chief 1977
Louises hus Osborne 1977
The Olsen Gang Sees Red Kjeld Jensen 1976
In the Sign of the Lion Anton F. Møller 1976
Flaming Fire Chief Alf 1976
Olsen Banden Et Isoleret Tilfælde Kjeld Jensen 1976
The Olsen Gang on the Track Kjeld Jensen 1975
In the Sign of the Gemini The inventor 1975
Justine and Juliette Mr. Nikander 1975
The Son from Vingaarden Morten 1975
Nøddebo præstegård Pastor Blicher 1974
The Last Exploits of the Olsen Gang Kjeld Jensen 1974
Me and the Mafia 1973
The Olsen Gang Runs Amok Kjeld Jensen 1973
The Olsen Gang's Big Score Kjeld Jensen 1972
How to Behave in a Fourposter Bed Peter, butler 1972
The Olsen Gang in Jutland Kjeld Jensen 1971
Dagmar's Hot Pants, Inc. Englebert Ekmanner 1971
Our Home Is Our Castle 1971
Den fine mand Dansemesteren 1971
Revolution My A.. Præsident Jesus Maria Salvadore 1970
The Song of the Red Ruby Jesper 1970
Ta' lidt solskin Henry Bernhard Iversen 1969
The Olsen Gang in a Fix Kjeld Jensen 1969
Fun in the Streets Fordrukken mand 1969
En nat i Venedig Caramello, hofbarber 1969
Along Came a Soldier Dobbermann 1969
Flagermusen Alfred 1968
The Olsen Gang Kjeld Jensen 1968
Friends at Arms: On a Bear Run 15 1968
Det var en lørdag aften Olsen 1968
Life with Daddy Stig Horekær, forlægger 1967
Nyhavns glade gutter Søren 1967
Martha Alf 1967
Love Thy Neighbour Piccolo Niels Røls 1967
Wife on vacation Hr. Danbo 1967
Pretty-Arne and Rosa Filminstruktør 1967
Jeg er sgu min egen Hr. Hyldersen 1967
The Reluctant Sadist Bankdirektør 1967
The Loose Tile Adjunkt Tvebo 1966
The Girl and the Viscount Skuespiller 1966
Tre små piger Grev Rambow 1966
Flagermusen 1966
Strike First Freddy Kolick 1965
Een pige og 39 sømænd Ship's Cook Alfred 1965
Poeten og Lillemor i forårshumør 1961
Farinelli Farinelli 1961
Laan mig din kone En portier 1957
Vi som går stjernevejen Sanger 1956
Det er så yndigt at følges ad 1954
Et eventyr om tre Poul 1954
The Viking Watch of the Danish Seaman 1948
Mani 1947
Lise kommer til byen 1947
The Julekalender Gammel Nok <mt>
Rejseholdet Karstensen <mt>
Henover midten Peter Svendsen <mt>
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