Muza Krepkogorskaya

    July 9, 1924
    June 26, 1999
    Moscow, USSR
    Screen Presence

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There's Good Weather in Deribasovskaya, Or It's Raining Again in Brighton Beach Parishioner 1993
Anna Karamazoff 1991
Private Detective, or Operation Cooperation neighbour 1989
The Door Voice 1986
Attention, All Posts! Passenger 1985
Dangerous for Your Life! Chess Player 1985
Trips on an Old Car 1985
For the Second Time in Crimea Grandmother 1985
Наше призвание мать Ваньки 1984
Married Bachelor Passazhirka s kotom 1982
They Were Actors Kablukova 1981
Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears General's Wife 1980
The Cat in the Bag Roza 1979
Practical Joke Rufina Andreyevna 1977
Storm on the Land 1976
It Can't Be! Singer's Wife 1975
One Times One Aunt Natasha 1975
Nylon 100% 1973
Officers Masha's Mother 1971
The Guardian Тата 1970
Valerka, Remka + ... mama Valerki 1970
Если есть паруса 1970
Through Fire, Water and... Brass Pipes Sofyushka 1968
Пока гром не грянет 1968
Don't Forget... Lugovaya Station Ирина Сергеевна 1966
Black Business Maria "Mary" Tarakanova 1965
If You Want - Believe It, If You Want - Don't Dusya 1964
The First Trolleybus Traffic controller 1963
Академик из Аскании Olga 1962
Two Lives Frosya 1961
Lyubovyu nado dorozhit 1960
Fathers and Sons 1959
Past Summer Tanya 1959
White Acacia Katya 1958
В погоне за славой Zinochka Perepyolkina 1957
Different Fortunes Galya 1956
Roads and Destinies Тоня 1956
Lyana Paraskitsa 1955
World Champion Zina 1955
Гвоздь программы 1955
Incident in the Taiga 1953
The Parasite 1953
The Unforgettable Year 1919 Liza 1951
Bountiful Summer Darka 1951
The Train Goes East passenger 1948
Фитиль (киножурнал) <blank> <mt>
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