Pavel Shpringfeld

    January 24, 1912
    October 2, 1971
    Yekaterinodar, Russian Empire [now Krasnodar, Russia]
    Screen Presence

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Король манежа 1972
Gentlemen of Fortune гардеробщик 1971
The Roundabout Nephew of the departed 1971
The Old House general Dubelt 1970
The Master of Taiga Stepan 1969
Любовь Серафима Фролова ded Nasti 1969
No Password Necessary 1967
The Places Here Are Quiet Tsybulka 1967
A Winter Morning редактор газеты 1967
Devil With a Briefcase 1966
The Cook fraudster at the market 1966
The City of Masters Musharon 1965
The Letter 1965
Clean Ponds Nina's father 1965
Двадцать лет спустя 1965
The Hyperboloid of Engineer Garin Gaston 'Duck Nose' 1965
Wagtail's Army 1964
Конец и начало Mikhalis 1963
In Death's Noose 1963
Ballad of a Hussar Armagnac 1962
Nine Days of One Year physicist 1962
Тишина Головин 1961
The Trial of Madmen Orderly Bill 1961
Хмурый Вангур Boris Pushkaryov 1960
Bread and Roses 1960
Flags on the Towers 1958
Страницы былого 1958
Murder on Dante Street Zhenikh 1956
The Parasite 1953
Taras Shevchenko Panteleimon Kulish 1951
For Those Who Are at Sea 1948
Twins Anatoly Lisopadov 1945
Hello, Moscow! Passenger of the train (uncredited) 1945
The New Adventures of Schweik 1943
Lermontov Alexander Odoevsky 1943
Son of Tajikistan Gafiz Sangin 1942
Швейк готовится к бою 1942
В тылу врага 1941
Tanker "Derbent" 1941
Первопечатник Иван Федоров царь Иван Грозный 1941
Four Hearts Глеб Заварцев 1941
Yakov Sverdlov Alexey Sukhov 1940
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    7. at StartSession->terminate(object(Request), object(Response)) in Kernel.php line 138
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