Zoya Fyodorova

    December 21, 1907
    December 11, 1981
    Screen Presence

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The Morning Round Yegorova 1980
Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears Aunt Pasha 1980
Live in Joy Анисья (жена деда Афони) 1978
Vials 1975
Врача вызывали? 1975
Происшествие Глафира 1974
Car, Violin and Blot the Dog Мария Фёдоровна, бабушка Олега 1974
Waterdrop in the Sea 1973
Аварийное положение Глафира Васильевна 1973
The Cutlass Misha's grandmother 1973
Here Is My Village тетя Глаша 1972
Beyond the River is the Border 1972
The Russian Field Matryona 1972
Шельменко-денщик Фенна Степановна Шпак 1971
Hello, Warsaw! Receptionist 1971
Attention, Turtle! Viktoriya Mikhailovna 1970
Between the High Crops 1970
New Year's Abduction 1970
Улыбнись соседу 1968
Then in January... 1967
Wedding in Malinovka Горпина Дормидонтовна 1967
The Ugly Story Pseldonimov's mother 1966
The Cook fraudster at the market 1966
The Sleeping Lion 1965
A Foreign Woman Evdokiya Mikhailovna 1965
Пущик едет в Прагу 1965
Obsession Lida's Neighbor 1965
Operation Y and Other Shurik's Adventures тётя Зоя, новелла «Наваждение» 1965
От семи до двенадцати Alik's Granny 1965
Новогодняя ярмарка 1965
Give Me a Complaints Book дворник Екатерина Ивановна 1964
If You Want - Believe It, If You Want - Don't 1964
Шестнадцатая весна Neighbour 1963
It Happened at the Police Station 1963
Summer Is Over тетя Даша 1963
Adult Children Tatyana Ivanovna Korolyova 1961
Scarlet Sails Governess 1961
Special Approach 1959
В нашем городе 1959
A Groom from the Right Society Elizaveta Vladimirovna, chief doctor 1958
Little Friend totya Natasha 1958
The Variegateds Case мать Игоря Пересветова 1958
Girl without an Address Komarinskaya 1958
Night Guard Marfa 1957
Poet 1957
The Girl and the Crocodile Nadezhda Fedotovna 1956
Honeymoon Elizaveta Povariha 1956
Wedding Дашенька (невеста) 1944
Ivan Nikulin: Russian Sailor Marusya Kryukova 1944
Collection of Films for the Armed Forces #6 Self - Presenter 1941
The Girl from Leningrad Natasha 1941
Musical Story Klava Belkina 1940
60 Days 1940
Станица Дальняя 1940
A Night in September Dunya Velichko 1939
Years of Fire 1939
Soviet Border 1938
Enemies 1938
Great Citizen Nadya 1938
The Man with the Gun Katya Shadrina 1938
The Miners 1937
The Girlfriends Zoya 1936
Женитьба Dunyasha 1936
The Pilots Nurse 1935
Accordion 1934
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