Yevgeni Gerasimov

    February 25, 1951
Screen Presence

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Актёрские трагедии. За кулисами мелодрам Self - Актер 2019
The Romanovs: A Crowned Family 2000
The Night of The Yellow Bull 1997
The Wizard of the Emerald City Iron Lumberjack 1994
Rytsar Kennet 1993
Richard the Lionheart 1992
High Class 1991
Night of the Long Knives 1990
Поездка в Висбаден Донгоф 1989
Free Admittance 1987
The Barman from 'Golden Anchor' 1986
The Secret Agent’s End Kuznetsov 1986
Five Minutes of Fear Семен Бугаев (майор милиции) 1985
Pernicious Sunday 1985
Guest from the Future Werther, biorobot 1984
Morning Without Marks Gleb's father 1983
Teenager 1983
Silver Revue 1983
Streak of Luck 1983
The Secret Agent's Return Kuznetsov 1982
Birthday Maxim 1982
The Order: Cross the Border Nightingale senior, white emigrant Semenovts 1982
Could One Imagine? Volodya, Katya's stepfather 1982
Born by the Storm Raymond 1981
The Order: Do Not Open Fire Nightingale, sergeant 1981
Ogaryova Street, Number 6 Валя Росляков 1980
Смотрины 1980
Petrovka Street, Number 38 Roslyakov 1980
Territory Apryatin 1979
За всё в ответе 1979
The Fortress лейтенант Филиппов 1979
The Last F Nikolay 1978
Disappearance 1978
Don't Believe the Cry of a Night Bird Anatoliy Mustyatse 1977
Slashing Fellow 1976
Ещё не вечер 1975
My Destiny Михаил Ермаков 1974
Prometheus (voice) 1974
Незнакомый наследник 1974
Облака 1973
Perses 1973
Летние сны 1973
Point, Point, Comma... 1972
In the azure steppe 1971
О друзьях-товарищах 1970
Accused of Murder Shchetinin 1969
Человек, которого я люблю Rodka 1967
Они не пройдут Sanka Rymaryov in childhood 1965
Moscow In Love
Investigation Held by ZnaToKi Вадим Холин <mt>
Guest from the Future Robot Verter <mt>
Звёзды сошлись Self <mt>
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